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Tue 9th Jan 2024 08:36

Dear Torna (1)

by Juniper (Juni) Cobblepot

Dear Torna,
I hit a personal record and have been to two realms in a matter of days. I'm tired of this. I'm finding it difficult to be the joyful, happy , go lucky, naïve cleric you knew, but maybe that's Selune's plan? I don't know. I'm finding it hard to see the "holy mission" currently, especially in this new land Barovia. But I stick to my routines, pray to my Lady and hope that all becomes clear. I just really miss you, if you were here you'd be able to make some wise crack comment to make me forget, even if temporarily, of the peril I seem to have found myself in again.
However, I've met a new group who are making this transition easier. When I found them they were grieving the loss of their friend and companion, Syl. From what I can gather, she sacrificed herself to ensure her friends stayed alive. She sounds like someone I would have liked. These people are slightly strange, but aren't we all. They seem to have accepted my story and welcomed my help in the dangerous mission we've been given and are for the most part, kind.
There's a Druid named Davnic, he looks like a toned down version of Rowen in his winter form but he also turns into animals! I've heard about such things but had only ever seen Finn turn into a wolf, but that was a disease. Maybe I haven't lost my sense of wonder after all.
Ankha has horns and a tail, seemingly due to fiendish heritage? We didn't have those in our world! She seems fine, if not slightly intimidating. I don't know much about the God she serves as a paladin but her faith seems shaken currently, maybe due to her friends death? They all call her a goat and it's quite amusing to see her already red tinge get brighter. I think you'd like her.
Saylor Twift is apparently a world renowned Bard in the realm they all come from with Vimak, a 7ft blue tinged wall of pure muscle, being her biggest fan. Unbelievable right? I've not had much interaction with Saylor, other than her talking back to Strahd and getting herself bit. Sounds like something you would do. Either that, or be completely fangirling over Strahd, he seems your type.
Vimak, like I said he's huge! I know I'm small but Shar! However, he seems like a genuinely nice man/giant. You'd think with all that brute strength he'd be brawn over brains, but from what I've seen he's quite intelligent.. except in the midst of battle sometimes, he tends to get blind with rage.
Finnie seems to be quite the practical joker, sometimes not always at the best of times. He did make Davnic think that he'd become incontinent which was hilarious. He's quite handsome too... However, the woman we're helping (who Strahd is seemingly obsessed with) seems to be closest to Davnic. Maybe she likes them pale?
We've only been in Barovia for a number of days, but Selune does it feel like a lifetime already. I probably shouldn't use my Lady's name in vain, but it's the only thing that seems appropriate these days. Supposed I'd better get a good nights rest in preparation for the Festival of the Blazing Sun tomorrow and deal with the fallout of what we've done since we've been in Vallaki.
I know you'll never read these letters but I pray that we find each other again and these letters will serve as a way to explain my journey to you. Wherever you are, I hope you are safe.
All my love,

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  1. Dear Torna (1)