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14th of Tarsakh 1494 DR

Before Driftriver

by Claire Farrow

My parent's met by chance. My father was a thirty year old human mechanic of one of the many airships that patrolled the skies, and my mother... Venna, a 600 year old Eladrin, had caught his eye. He promised to come back for her, and he did, multiple times over, till he eventually bought a house and settled down with her. He left the service of the airship to become a general mechanic at the ports, and she kept her job as diplomat for her people. As far as I know, they had a very loving relationship. I was born not long after, Claire Farrow... a beautiful young girl with her father's looks. After I was born, things were rather slow, I started to travel with my father to go to the ports and watch him do repairs on the airships, the gears turning, and the steam billowing. I fell in love almost instantly. So those became my days for the next sixteen years, I would learn what my father did, and assist in many ways, eventually being given tasks on my own. I thought my world was made, everything was perfect, and then... I had a baby sister, Alena. I hated her, she looks more like mother, cuter than I am... how is a baby cuter than me? The first two years were full of hate, but then she started to grow on me. My mother on a different note started to seem... off, she acted as though she doesn't entirely care for either me or Alena, and she keeps talking to father about her priorities. It's been three weeks, mother hasn't come home, and father claims that she may never be back. He seems so sad... maybe he needs a gift to brighten his day. I've applied to be a mechanic at the airports, I plan on making enough money to buy something to make father smile again. Maybe he just needs a reminder that there are people in this world who do still love him. After a long three years of work, and talking to father, I finally know what could make him happy... he always liked when I would make little toys out of spare parts, so I'm going to make something for him. Maybe all he need's, is a robotic friend. I've finally completed the small clockwork bird, and not only does it work, but father has a smile on his face, and he cried when hugging Alena and me. Alena... created a bird? She's only six... but she has a bird follow her around, father is worried, he has no clue what to do. Well, it's been a week after Alena created the bird, and now we can't find her... the bird is talking, it sounds like her, but I'm confused, I don't know if it's her or just a mimicking cry. We buried father yesterday... it seems as if all the color of the world has faded, and all that's left is grey. He was having trouble way before yesterday, but he always managed to smile around Alena, around me. I miss him... I miss him more than I can say. I'll see you later father, I love you. Day number... I don't know at this point. I've been working these ports for the last thirteen years, and I've saved up enough spare parts and cash to start my creation... this could change the world... maybe Alena will stop trying to get involved in her "mystery" cases. It's complete, I call it, the Omniscient Eye, this rifle is able to hit targets from far ranges, and is vastly superior to any other firearm to date, Alena and I will be running the first test tomorrow. Two weeks after the failure... my arm still feels... connected, but I know it isn't. I won't tell her, but Alena did a great job on this prosthetic, I'm just happy she had my plans to follow... maybe she'll stop getting into trouble and help me out around the shop. Well, Alena has somehow, successfully managed to start and become one of the more prominent investigators here... I gotta hand it to her, she's a natural. She does keep going on about this job though, apparently some group is after this one person... but that person has escaped, and now we are being tasked with finding them. Interplanar travel hasn't really been my thing, but I'm not about to let Alena go on her own... she's the only family I have left. So... it turns out my dumb sister is the one who helped our target escape originally, and the people hunting her have found out. At least, that's what she told me, I can't help but feel like she's hiding something from me. There's most likely a price on the Farrow families heads now... our heads, and that means we can't go back to Eberron, so I guess we're stuck here, in Faerun.

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  1. Before Driftriver
    14th of Tarsakh 1494 DR
  2. Death...
    11th of Uktar 1944 DR