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Sat 4th Mar 2023 10:53

New Beginnings for the Big Man

by Ramsworth

(Ramsworth cannot read or write, so this is more of a third-person point of view)
Ramswoth awakens, but can't remember anything. He's covered in this ashy, soot-laden armor and surrounded by burned-out trees. He walks out of the trees and finds a gray-haired, small human. He introduces himself by the name Rekker, but Rams cannot pronounce that and decide to call him Reks.
Once the introductions are done they decide to look around. Rams finally notice that we're in an abandoned, burned-up town.
Rekker told him that this place was called Aeremore, a name that feels familiar but Ramsworth cannot remember it no matter how hard he tries.
He decides to live in the cave next to where Rekker lives, feeling quite content with what he accomplished on what would be a new beginning, he goes to bed.

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  1. New Beginnings for the Big Man