Korman Koresh

The religiously devout teifling looking to reform the church and show that gods and miracles are still well and alive!

Campaign & Party

October 28th, 1863

His Trials

by Korman Koresh

The Prophet of Malta Chapter 12 Verses 1-14 :
"Belesarius and his Allies fail to stop the escape of The Mad Mage
Despite his best efforts he had failed.
His allies looked on suspiciously
as if Belisarius had become a ghost and turned pale.
He had told them his true purpose,
'I must save Malta from itself, that's why I act as one of them'
Yet now his allies' faith in him faltered more than ever.
The false church was watching his every move.
Why had it all gone astray, Belisarius prayed for answers.
Then the revelation came.
As The Father had spoken to him under the red sun,
his trials would come. He would be beset by the unfaithful,
the cruel, and the mislead.
These were his trials, and with his faith, Belisarius would prevail
The Holy Father Ordained it so. "
I always envied Belisarius. His strength, his courage, his ability to please nearly any mortal. Most of all I admired his ability to keep the faith despite not being able to hear the father's divine decrees after the Battle Under The Red Sun. I sometimes wonder if my own "Red Sun" battle happened and I just haven't realized it. I try tirelessly to please The Father, yet he never offers his guidance or wisdom. Not to mention the mess I've found myself in, and my failure at the church of Targoveste. Though perhaps like Belisarius I have found myself in trials from The Father. Yes, he is testing me to see if I am worthy of his guidance, for what good is guidance if there is no potential to guide? Should I triumph over these hurdles I will surely receive his divine word, and know what his true will is. I will please you father, I swear by our blood.

Korman's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. He arrives
    October 27th, 1863
  2. His Trials
    October 28th, 1863

The major events and journals in Korman's history, from the beginning to today.

...tallying up their opinions of you. Keep it low and they'll never step out of comfort to aid you: keep it high? They will throw themselves on pikes for you

01:08 am - 09.09.2022

His Trials

The Prophet of Malta Chapter 12 Verses 1-14 : "[b]Belesarius and his Allies fail to stop the escape of The Mad Mage[/b] Despite his best efforts he had failed. His allies looked on suspiciously as if Belisarius had become a ghost and turned pale. He...

04:24 am - 01.07.2022

He arrives

The Prophet of Malta Chapter 1 Verses 1-5 : "[b]Belesarius Arives at Malta[/b] Belisarius stepped up to the dark gates. His radiance and holiness caused onlookers to halt. They scowled and scorned, but The Father told him not to focus on the hate. ...

03:12 pm - 03.02.2022

Dedication is a virtue given to us by the father so that we might complete the goals we set our minds to, but he warned that too much dedication can lead to sin and self destruction

02:46 pm - 03.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Korman.

Played by
Palace Nightmare

Other Characters by Palace Nightmare