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Sir Hugo von Schwarzburg
The Cylops, The Knight of Blackcastle, the Sword of Schwarzburg, Baron of Blackcastle (Formerly)*--------

Impoverished exile knight of dubious foreign origins, in service to Count Georg Wallingford of Breakwater

The major events and journals in Hugo's history, from the beginning to today.

The Black Knight of the Hollow

01:32 am - 23.02.2023

Hugo Parade Armor

06:21 am - 13.06.2020

Interested in Medieval Low Fantasy / High Fantasy / Historical ONLY. I am a multi-para to novella poster, generally, but I don't like superfluous text merely for the sake of post length. Easily modifiable to canon settings (GOT, etc.), but Original Characters/Content are highly preferred. THIS IS A STORY-DRIVEN CHARACTER, though mature things can happen in the context of a story, that being said I am not a smut-based player and not particularly focused on romance either. I'm not interested in any RP with pre-conceived outcomes, it's boring to me. I'm here strictly to write and have fun, nothing looking for anything else beyond that. I prefer to play in public/ group settings over DMs. Zero tolerance for OOC weirdness or fuckery, I will block you without hesitation. Don't be cheesy and try to solve all of Hugo's problems with the snap of a finger. I am an Action/Adventure-oriented player and will often use dice rolls while in RP to decide simple actions. Quality over quantity. PM friendly - but OOC first. If you see me posting publicly, feel free to post at me. Down for one-shots or epic ongoing story arcs.

08:14 pm - 12.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Hugo.