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Nightmarish, alien invaders from another time and place, Illithid typically live-in societies of their own kind, hidden away from the light of the sun. They feed on the brain matter of living creatures, preferably the grey cells of other sapient beings, to sustain themselves and fuel their strange and unnatural powers. Notorious as the "Mind Flayers", the Illithid are possessed of a desire to dominate and master all things around themselves, and they famously use their advanced mental powers to force other beings into thralldom. Still, members of Illithid-kind can and do take up the adventuring life, from time to time, though almost always under rare and extraordinary circumstances. Leaving the collective networked intelligence of their own kind diminishes any Illithid that brave the outside world, severely reducing the potency of most of their natural psionic abilities. Most Illithid encountered outside their citadels and outposts are either spies, renegades unwelcome in their communities, or have been banished for crimes even their alien moralities find unspeakable.
ability score increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and either your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1.
age: Illithids complete ceremorphosis by the age of 9 and have become fully mature and complete in their education by age 15. Illithids live longer than Humans, but they do eventually die at around 200 years of age.
alignment: Illithids normally have a natural tendency towards hierarchy, discipline, and cruelty, and have an alignment of lawful evil. Some individuals find themselves developing more-individualistic personalities than their fellows early after ceremorphosis and have an alignment of neutral evil. A minority lack the characteristic sadism of their brethren while retaining their preoccupation with the organization and have an alignment of lawful neutral. Any Illithid of any other alignment, usually the product of unusual circumstances such as mutation, magical alteration, extensive contact with unshackled non-Illithid minds while cut off from the networked communal intelligence of their colonies, or intervention by otherworldly forces, is likely regarded by others of its kind as either a disgusting social deviant and pariah, or, at worst, as pollution to be purged. Many such Illithid are either mentally wiped blank and re-educated or simply thrown out of their home communities if their natures are too open and offensive to their fellows' sensibilities.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Pure Common, Deep Speech, Undercommon and Qualith.
race features:
Aberrant Mind: Even those Illithids who have undergone alignment shifts via magical means or mutations struggle to understand the feelings of less-alien beings. You have disadvantage on all Charisma ability checks in which you are not proficient. Your creature type is both Humanoid and Aberration.   Devour Brain: When a living creature within 5 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can, as a reaction, devour their brain completely gaining temporary hit points equal to your level + your proficiency bonus. In addition, you may receive the answer to one question that the consumed brain knew the answer to. This creature must have a size of Medium or smaller. Alternatively, as an action, you may consume the brain of a creature that has died within the last minute and gain the same benefits. You regain use of this trait once you complete a long rest.   Mind Blast: You can use your action to emit a psionic blast in a 15-foot cone. When you use your mind blast, each creature in the area of the blast must make an Intelligence saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 psychic damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use your mind blast, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.   Natural Armor: You have tough skin. When you aren't wearing Armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armour.   Psychic Resistance: You are resistant to Psychic damange.   Superior Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Telepathy: You can communicate mentally with another creature that knows at least one language within a 60-foot radius. This creature doesn't need to share a language with you but unless they have telepathy themselves they can only receive and respond but can't initiate or terminate a telepathic conversation. You must be conscious to use this trait and cannot telepathically communicate with multiple creatures at once.

Racial Description

Lovecraftian Look: An Illithid resembles a Human in basic body structure, but taller and much slenderer. Its skin is some cool color, such as pale green, mauve, or sky blue, and when it is well-fed, its body is coated in a thin film of mucus. Its skin is smooth and completely hairless, with a tall, sloping cranium, two roughly-humanoid eyes, and four long, coiling tendrils concealing an alien mouth evolved to open the skulls of other creatures and feed on their contents.   Alien History: Illithid history is long and frightening, but most of it is of little relevance to any beings besides the Illithid themselves. The history of the Illithid's is a secretly guarded secret that only those of the Elder Brain and the Elder Councils know. All the races of the world remember of the "Mind Flayers" is that they are slaving species from the Underdark, thinking them just another creation of the Great Invasion War.   All for the Elder Brain: Illithids live in vast, subterranean cities known as communities that are full of thralls, often outnumbered ten-to-one or more by their mental slaves. Their culture reveres the Elder Brains, ancient, ageless beings they believe represent the collective personalities and identities of their kind. Illithids offer themselves up to the Elder Brains' mass when they near the end of their lifespans, hoping to be absorbed into the titanic intellect of the Elder Brain. It is a closely guarded secret that the Elder Brains only consume the knowledge of their wards, with everything else, such as personality, being simply discarded and lost with the death of the body. Young Illithid derive their personalities and emotional capacities from contact with strange crystals, containing the thought-impressions of previous Illithid. This is the reason for the infamously cold and pitiless Illithid temperament and personality: Illithids normally do not feel any sort of positive emotion more powerful than a kind of sadistic, spiteful pleasure at the pain and submission of another creature. Thus, because the devices that teach young Illithid cannot imprint on them the full spectrum of emotionality, they grow up to build another set of such flawed devices for the next generation. Illithids who have spent long periods of time among other races of beings, devoid of the company of other Illithid, are often mind-wiped or otherwise mentally scanned when they return to the networked intelligence of their community, to purge the outside influences that may have colored their thoughts and made them more like the surface creatures. Illithids' alien nature makes them particularly resistant to magical forces and effects, and they regard the use of magic as aberrant and disdainful. All of their kind found studying arcane powers are shunned by their peers, and many are exiled from the community. Illithids consume the brain matter of living (or at least recently-living) creatures to sustain themselves with enzymes, hormones, and psychic energy. The brain of a large, intelligent predator like a wolf or bear provides enough sustenance for a full day, but the brain of a sapient humanoid is far tastier and can bolster an Illithid's metabolism for at least a week, depending on the quality of the brain in question. Some rogue Illithids cultivate a special kind of moss that becomes sapient in large quantities, and which provides similar sustenance when eaten.   Illithid Names: Illithids are hermaphroditic and reproduce via a process known as ceremorphosis, which consists of producing "tadpoles" via parthenogenesis, then allowing them to consume the brains of other creatures, eventually mutating them into new Illithids. They also use unique psychic impressions rather than names among themselves, but they do have transliterated Common equivalents to allow non-psionic creatures to address them.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

