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Minor Injury Table

Roll the Dice
1Minor Scar. The scar doesn’t have any adverse effect.
2Limp. Your speed on foot is reduced by 5 feet. You must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw after using the Dash action. If you fail the save, you fall prone. Someone can tend to your wound with a DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a success, the effect ends after 24 hours.
3Minor Wound. Your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to your tier. Someone can tend to your wound with a DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a success, the effect ends after 24 hours.
4Bruised Ribs. When you gain this injury you must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw to avoid being knocked unconscious. When you attempt a reaction in combat, you must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your reaction and cannot attempt to take another reaction until the start of your next turn. This injury heals after 24 hours passes without being knocked unconscious.
5Dislocated Shoulder. You have disadvantage using any skill or weapon that requires two hands or making attack rolls with the dislocated arm (determined by the DM). If you wield a shield with the injured arm, reduce your AC by 1. Someone can use an action to set your shoulder with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effect on a success.
6Mild Concussion. You cannot concentrate on an action for more than one minute at a time. Additionally, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. This injury heals after 24 hours passes without being knocked unconscious again.

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Statblock Type

Generic, Random Table
