Academic | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
INT +3, WIS +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
History & your choice of Circuitry, Nature, or Religion.
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Melee Weapons, Archaic Simple Ranged Weapons, Personal Melee Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Calligrapher’s Supplies & 2 of your choice. Civilian Land Vehicles
4 of your choice
A book (about a great war, person, artifact, or technology), 10 sheets of paper, a set of casual clothes, a backpack, a paper map of a city.

FEAT: Redeeming Save

Your mental agility has become fast enough to to turn any bad situation around. If you fail a saving throw, you can use redeeming save to roll a d6 and add it to the roll that you've rolled for. You can use this feature as many times equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses after a long rest. The dice becomes a d8 at tier 3, a d10 at tier 5 and a d12 at tier 7.

FEAT: Strategist

When in combat your logical mind is working on strategies to defeat your enemy. Once per combat you may spend a bonus action to study the combat of an enemy. Doing so will give the next attack made against that combatant advantage. This feat may only be used after the third round of combat.

FEAT: Legendary Reaction

If an enemy successfully makes a melee attack on an ally within five feet of you, you can make a reaction without having to prepare one. You can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike or improvised weapon attack or to use an item. You can use the Legendary Reaction Feature to attempt stop the original attack from happening. To do so, make an acrobatics or sleight of hand (against the enemy's original attack roll) check to determine if you succeed in your reaction. You can used Improved Reactions twice in a round of combat and three times at 4th tier. At 4th tier, you can use the Legendary Reaction Feature on a creature who successfully makes a melee attack on an ally within ten feet of you.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
