Blacksmith | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
INT +2, STR +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
SUP +2
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
History, Insight, Mechanics
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Melee Weapons, Archaic Simple Ranged Weapons, Personal Melee Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Smith’s Tools & 2 of your choice. Civilian Land Vehicles
3 of your choice
A set of artisan's tools (one of your choice), a sledge hammer, a merchant's scale, a set of casual clothes, a work apron, a pair of elbow-length leather gloves, a set of traveling clothes.

FEAT: Inventor’s Eye

Your inquisitive eye and critical thinking let you come up with ad hoc solutions to problems as they pop up. By spending at least, a minute looking over something no larger than a 5-foot cube, you can figure out new and innovative ways to use it in tandem with other materials at hand or that you know of. You can speak to your DM about inventing the thought process for wholly new and incredible things given you have the sound logic behind it.

FEAT: Knowledge of the Trade

You can start and keep a roaring fire with ease, and can arrange materials to concentrate the heat in a fire, as if it were a forge. You know and recognize all manner of metalworking tools, and can recognize when an area has been used as part of a metalworking operation. You can identify geological features created by mining, such as yellow boy, slag heaps, tailing, and spoil tips. You can also assess the quality of a metal object from its color, feel, weight, and (if you worked with steel or brass) sound, and you can use this knowledge to identify frauds and assess value. You know how to care for metals such as to protect them from corroding as easily from normal use. You have advantage on any skill checks relating to crafting an item that relates to the specialization you chose.

FEAT: Master Smithery

When you engage in the Crafting downtime activity (see the DMG), each day of downtime you spend crafting counts as two days.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
