Engineer | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +3, SUP +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Circuitry, Investigation, Mechanics
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Light Explosives, Heavy Explosives, Personal Weapons, Archaic Heavy Siege Weapons, Archaic Simple Weapons, Light Armor.
Tool Proficiencies
Circuitry Kit, Mechanics Tools, Civilian Vehicles, Commercial Vehicles, Military Land Vehicles
3 of your choice
Common clothes, one type of artisan's tools you are proficient with, 1D4 books on Engineering, and a Tiny or smaller invention made by you.

FEAT: Specialization

As an Engineer you sometimes draw inspiration from different sources for your creations or inventions, do ideas come to you after you've read a line of ancient scripture? What about the way the animals move or how the leaves and grass sway? Or even seeing the simple yet complex beauty of a cogwheel?


Roll the Dice
1Tinkerer– Due to Your knowledge of machines you can easily determine a lot about machines just by looking at it. You can determine the Components and function of machine that you can study for a fair period of time.
2Technomancer– Double your proficiency bonus for Stealth and Circuitry. In addition, choose one class of Commercial Vehicles to be proficient in. (Land, Naval, Air).
3Architect– You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet.
4Aeronautic Engineer– Double your proficiency bonus for Stealth and Sleight of Hands. Gain a swimming speed of 25 ft.
5Aerospace Engineer- Double your proficiency bonus for Navigation. In addition, choose one class of Commercial Vehicles to be proficient in. (Land, Naval, Air).
6Combat Engineer- Gain proficiency in Chemist’s Supplies, Brewer’s Tools, or Explosive Equipment. Once each week, and provided you have the necessary supplies, you may use your long rest to craft 10 doses of narcotics, 20 servings of alcohol, or 3 Light Explosives.
7Metal Worker– You can start and keep a roaring fire with ease, and can arrange materials to concentrate the heat in a fire, as if it were a forge. You know and recognize all manner of metalworking tools, and can recognize when an area has been used as part of a metalworking operation. You can identify geological features created by mining, such as yellow boy, slag heaps, tailing, and spoil tips. You can also assess the quality of a metal object from its color, feel, weight, and (if you worked with steel or brass) sound, and you can use this knowledge to identify frauds and assess value. You know how to care for metals such as to protect them from corroding as easily from normal use. You have advantage on any skill checks relating to crafting an item that relates to the specialization you chose.
8Weapon Smith– Got a favorite weapon? Gain proficiency in one type of Light Weapon Class (Anti-material weapons, Machine Guns, Flamethrowers, Explosive Weapons, Explosives) or IEDs, Homemade Bombs, Car Bombs, or Dirty Bombs.

FEAT: Instruction Manual

You can study a robot, technological object, or technological trap within 30 feet as a move action and attempt a Intelligence (Engineering) check to identify it. If you succeed, you gain a competence bonus equal to 2 + your tier on attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, saving throws, and skill checks involving the studied creature, object, or trap, as well as a AC and saving throw bonus of the same amount against attacks from the subject of your study. This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If you study a new subject, you lose the bonus against the previous subject.

FEAT: Remarkable Discovery

During your time experimenting, you have made a most remarkable discovery. You can recreate what you have discovered to others, but selling your discovery will likely lead to it becoming commonplace. However small your discovery may be, it certainly doesn't stop individuals using nefarious purposes from finding out your secret.

Work with your DM to determine the details of your discovery. What specific materials do you need? What does it create?

As a pointer, remember this preferably should be small. Your discovery shouldn't be easy to make, and the larger it is the more work should be done to create it. Any clockwork devices or similar should be comparable to the Rock Gnome's in the original 5E Player's Handbook, any chemical reaction should not yield any net gain in wealth, any environmental discovery should be minor, and any special technique or method should not affect the stats of anything you are making. Making a larger effect should preferably be discussed with your DM.

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Element 133 Occupation
