Entertainer | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
CHA +3
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +3
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance, Sleight of Hand & your choice of Persuasion, Deception, or Insight.
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Weapons, Personal Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Disguise Kit, Thieves' tools or two musical instruments, and one gaming set. Civilian Land Vehicles
Three of your choice and ASL if you choose the Mime act.
A musical instrument (one of your choice), the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), costume clothes.

FEAT: The Corner Act

Similar to a Creative the Entertainer draws a crowd for a living, but unlike a Creative the Entertainer rarely chooses this life. The Entertainers make up the street corner acts, the low level comedians, and the underground fight clubs. Choose an act from the list bellow.

The Corner Act

Roll the Dice
1Street Musician - Proficiency in three additional musical instruments, Expertise in Performance, and you gain the ability to play 2-3 instruments simultaneously. Pick two instruments to add to your equiptment.
2Seedy Comedian - Proficiency in Persuasion and Deception, or Expertise in one you already have (does not stack). As an action you may distract a target who must make a WIS saving throw against your CHA score. On a failure any attack or skill check against the target by your allies may be may with advantage.
3Fighter - Expertise in Athletics or Acrobatics. You may use a d4+STR/DEX for your unarmed strikes, and a d8+STR/DEX for your improvised weapon attacks.
4Mime - +5 bonus to your Stealth and Sleight of hand checks. You tend to go unnoticed around almost everyone, ending up in the back of scenes not matter how much you try. People who encounter you often don't remember you, especially if you don't do anything noteworthy. Nobody pays attention to you unless you do something to grab their attention, and people tend not to have high expectations of your abilities.
5Fire/Sword Eater - Gain proficiency in Archaic Melee Weapons, you may add a Short sword or Fire-Retardant Clothing to your equipment. You are very familiar with fire, make a DEX saving throw DC 14 whenever taking fire damage that does not come from an explosive weapon. On a success take half damage.
6Juggler - Gain expertise with Acrobatics and Sleight of Hand. You may use two tiny thrown weapons (Dagger, Dart, Grenade) per attack.
7Improv Comedian - Expertise in Performance and Perception, you cannot be suprised.
8MC - Proficiency in Persuasion and Deception, or Expertise in one you already have (does not stack). You may communicate strategy to your allies during combat giving them an extra 1d4 to add to there next attack roll or saving throw. Once per combat.
9Street Dancer - Gain expertise in Acrobatics, you may use your Dexterity modifier for any skill check involving physical movement in place of the original ability.
10Magician - Gain Expertise in Deception and +5 to your Sleight of Hand score. Gain proficiency with a Deck of Cards. You may use your Sleight of Hand score instead of your Intimidation or Persuasion score if you can add some flair to your role play.

FEAT: Fool's Fortune

Lady Luck often smiles upon you, but not usually in the way you may be expecting. When you wander around a town, whether it be back alleys, main thoroughfares, or even the central square, you will have the uncanny ability to stumble onto something helpful. Whether that be a place to sleep for the night, whether for free, payment, or gold, or a seedy gambling hall where you can earn some coin or information, you can always stumble upon something in any town, city, or village.

FEAT: Knack for Success

You've been doing a lot of different things for a lot of different reasons for a very long time, and have a knack at succeeding at things you have never even attempted before, so long as it isn't too expertly technical. You attract people from all sources for odd jobs, and things that aren't in most people's repertoire. You may focus on any skill check for at least 5 minutes and then may add 10 to your skill check, once per day.

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Element 133 Occupation
