Adult Worker | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Adult Worker

Ability Score Increase
DEX +2, CHA +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +3, REP +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Acrobatics, Athletics, Persuasion
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Weapons, Archaic Martial Melee Weapons, Archaic Martial Ranged Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Disguise Kit, Poisoner's kit, Thieves' tools, and Torture Tools, Civilian Land Vehicles
Two of your choice.
Thieves' tools, a Whip or dagger, Chain, A Pair of Shackles, Fine clothes, Entertainer's Pack, Mirror, Oil, Silk Rope

FEAT: Innocuous Persuasion

Perhaps it is your utterly innocent presence (LOL), but you rarely need to hide from people to hear in on what they talk about. People often forget that you're there to the point that even very important conversations not meant for average ears can be spoken near you. Underworld lords and powerful figures feel no threat from speaking liberally near you, discussing plans and such as long as you tend to them in some way.

FEAT: Desired One

Patrons of all walks of life will want you and will be willing to pay if they can to have fun with you. You do not pay lifestyle expenses as long as you service your patron(s). Otherwise, you pay if no one pays you for your looks and/or services. Also, some humanoids may be hostile towards your way of life as a sex worker. Some from different levels of society may be jealous of how many try to gather around you for your affection. Your patrons may aid you when you are under attack and will help you and allies of yours get to safety from danger or the law, depending on patrons alignment and how much affection the person has for you.

FEAT: Dominating Presence

Whenever people are around you, they feel a dominant and empowering aura. Because of this, many people tend to be intimidated by you and avoid as much as possible against you. However, your presence can also be used to your advantage; Clashing information is easier because people crack under pressure or give you what you want more easily. It also allows you to read people more easily when it comes to their privacy, taking a more observant look when it comes to feeling their motivations. For those who are less imposing in nature, they somehow feel protected as if they were a powerful lioness so they feel more compelled to obey it. As such you gain advantage on Persuasion & Insight checks.

ALTERNATE FEAT: Personal Slave

At some point in her professional or personal life as a dominator one of her submissives select one step beyond the art of domination and by consensual agreement (or not) he/she has become her favorite slave or sexual assiduous. Choose this trait to earn a loyal slave who will perform as your pet. This character is a peasant or ordinary person who can perform common tasks ordered by you and is always very willing to obey. Use the Secretary stat block for your slave.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
