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Hail of Thorns

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range/Area: self
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The next time you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack before the spell ends, this spell creates a rain of thorns that sprouts from your ranged weapon or ammunition. In addition to the normal effect of the attack, the target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
At higher levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st (to a maximum of 6d10).
Available for: Ranger

Created by

Raven Gladstone.

Statblock Type

