Investigator | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
WIS +2, INT +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +2
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Choose two from among Insight, Investigation, or Perception. Choose one from Religion, History, Nature, Persuasion, or Intimidation.
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Weapons, Personal Melee Weapons, Personal Handguns
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Vehicles
Four of your choice.
Thieves tools, a magnifying glass, a red notebook cataloging the mysteries you've faced or secrets you've uncovered, a bottle of ink, a feather pen, a digital camera, and a set of common clothes

FEAT: Official Inquiry

You're experienced at gaining access to people and places to get the information you need. Through a combination of fast-talking, determination, and official-looking documentation, you can gain access to a place or an individual related to a crime you're investigating. Those who aren't involved in your investigation avoid impeding you or pass along your requests. Additionally, local law enforcement has firm opinions about you, viewing you as either a nuisance or one of their own.

FEAT: Elementary Knowledge

You know where to find people who know things, or people who know people who know things. When you enter a city, you know where to search for information about the happenings in the city. You also never forget the face of people you meet, as you may need them in other cases.

FEAT: Path to Mystery

Your first case influenced the types of mysteries you're interested in. Why was this case so impactful, personal, or traumatic? Whom did it affect besides you? Why and how did you get involved? Was it solved? How did it set you on the path to investigating other mysteries? Roll on or choose details from the First Case table to develop the mystery that started your career as an investigator.

First Case

Roll the Dice
1Killer Friend - Gain proficiency in all Personal Weapons.A friend was wrongfully accused of murder. You tracked down the actual killer, proving your friend's innocence and starting your career as a detective.
2Where am I? - Gain expertise in History checks.You're told you went missing for weeks. When you were found, you had no memory of being gone. Now you search to discover what happened to you.
3Something Smells - Gain proficiency to Forensics Kit, and Religion.You helped a spirit find peace by finding its missing corpse. Ever since clients have sought you out to help their family and friends find rest.
4We've been trying to Reach You - Gain expertise in Insight, you also may spend one long rest to discover a targets financial records.You revealed that the salespeople terrorizing your home were scam artists. The conman escaped, but you've continued to uncover terrible scams and cons.
5I Didn't Do It! - Take the False Identity Feat from the Con-Artist occupation.You were wrongfully accused and convicted of a crime. You managed to escape and seek to help others avoid the experience you suffered, even while still being pursued by the law.
6The Big Bang - Gain proficiency in Explosive Weapons and the Diffusion Kit.You survived the destructive use of a explosive device that wiped out your home. Members of a secret organization found you. You now work with them, tracking down dangerous terrorists and preventing them from doing harm.
7Wait the Lizard People Exist? - Gain proficiency in Circuitry and gain the Circuitry Tier One Hustler feature.You found evidence of a conspiracy underpinning society. You tried to expose this mysterious cabal, but no one believed you. You're still trying to prove what you know is true.
8Cold Case - Gain expertise in Perception or Investigation, and increase your INT score by one.You got a job with an agency that investigates crimes that local law enforcement can't solve. You often wonder which you value more, the truth or your pay.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
