Electrician | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
STR+1, INT+1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +3, SUP +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
History, Insight, Mechanics, Circuitry
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Melee Weapons, Personal Melee Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Civlian Vehicles, Specialty Truck, Fork-Lift
3 of your choice
Gloves, hard hat, work clothes. A set of casual clothing. A tool belt with hammer, screwdrivers, tape measure, box cutter, and crescent wrench. A ladder. 5lbs of Materials.

FEAT: Dismantle

You know how to create and deconstruct mechanical/electrical objects. Using 10 minutes, you put your knowledge of machines to take an action to interact with a trap, lock, or mechanical object within 5ft of you. You make an Investigation, Circuitry or Mechanics check vs object's DC with advantage. On a success, the construct is destroyed or disarmed. On a fail, nothing happens or it gets triggered depending on nature of the object.

You can attempt to dismantle a construct or android. It makes wisdom saving throw vs your intelligence save. On a fail, the construct is destroyed or inactive. On a success, it takes 1d6 x your tier level of force damage.

FEAT: I Needed a Friend

Over the course of several days, you fashion a mechanical vessel for an unseen servant in the shape of a small dog. It has an AC of 18, 30 HP, a speed of 35ft, a strength score of 15, as well as a bite attack which deals 2d6 + 4 piercing damage and a claw attack which deals 2d6 +2 slashing damage. It is immune to poison and psychic damage, as well as diseases. It is resistant to cold, fire, force (magic), radiant, and necrotic damage. It is vulnerable to piercing and lightning damage. It has mechanical lungs so it does require air to breathe, but this can be any form of gas. Only its creator can control it and it can’t be persuaded to go against a command its creator gives it. In addition to attacking during each of your turns, it can perform a few simple commands like fetching a given object, holding open a door, or flipping a switch. Other tasks can be negotiated with the DM.

You and your construct are bound emotionally to each other. If you are damaged, the defender stops whatever action it is doing to come to your aid and uses its reaction to either heal you or bite your attacker. If your defender is destroyed, you have a disadvantage on each proceeding Constititution roll equal to the number of days your construct was alive.

FEAT: Create Contraption

You can create one time use contraptions. By spending a given amount of time, you create a small, handheld contraption that uses 0.5lb of Materials. You do not decide the effect of the contraption, instead roll d8 to get a random effect. As your bonus action, you can throw the contraption up to 60 ft and trigger its effect.

There is two types of contraptions; cobbled together or pre-built. A cobbled together contraption is created with an action and has weaker effects. A pre-built contraption is made during a short or long rest and has stronger effect. You can only create 1 contraption during a short rest and 2 contraptions during a long rest.

Contraption Result

Roll the Dice
5Water and Ice
6Flash Bang
8Black Liquid

Cobbled together: Upon impact, it makes a sound and harmless flash of light. This is completely useless, but it looks cool!

Prebuild: You scrap the failed contraption. You regain .25lb of Materials.


Cobbled together: Upon impact, the contraption explodes. Make a range attack with an intelligence or dexterity. On a hit, it deals 1d6 fire damage. It deals an extra d4 fire damage at 3rd, 5th, and 7th Tier.

Prebuild: Same as cobbled together version but double damage.


Cobbled together: Upon impact, ropes shoot out and attempt to grapple all nearby creatures (small or medium). All small or medium creatures within a 5ft radius must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are restrained. At the end of there turn, they can make a strength or dexterity saving throw to get free.

Prebuild: Same as cobbled together version but 10ft radius.


Cobbled together: Upon impact, a healing mist sprays out. The mist covers 10ft radius. It heals every creature for 1d4 x your Tier.

Prebuild: Same as cobbled together version but 15ft radius.

Water and ice

Cobbled together: Upon impact, a gallon of pure water bursts out. Creatures within a 5ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed,they gain vulnerability to lightning damage and resistance to fire damage. On a successful save, they are just wet and nothing else. Regardless of the result, everything in 5ft doused from fire.

Prebuild: Upon impact, a gallon of ice shrapnel explodes. Creatures within a 5ft radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail save, it deals 1d8 ice damage and they lose 10 ft of speed until end of their turn. On success, It just deals half damage. It deals an extra d8 ice damage at 3rd, 6th, and 9th tier.

Flash Bang

Cobbled Together: Upon impact, a flash of light bursts out. Creatures within a 10ft radius must make a Constitution saving throw, or be blinded and deafened for two turns.

]Prebuild: Same as cobbled together version but 15ft radius.


Cobbled together: Upon impact, a loud noise emanates from the contraption. All creatures with 5ft radius make a constitution saving throw. On a fail save, it deals 1d8 of thunder damage and become deafened until end of their turn. On success save, It just deals half damage. It deals an extra d8 thunder damage at 3rd, 6th, and 9th tier.

Prebuild: Same as cobbled together version but 10ft radius and deafened effect end at the creature's next short rest.

Black liquid

Cobbled together: Upon impact, a black liquid spurts out of the contraption. All creatures in a 5ft radius make a constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are blinded for 2 turns. On success, nothing happens. For 1 minute, this area is difficult terrain.

Prebuild: Upon impact, a black flammable liquid spurts out of the contraption. All creatures in a 5ft radius make a constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are blinded for 2 turns. The next time they take fire damage within 2 turns, they take an extra 5 fire damage. On a success, The next time they take fire damage within 2 turns, they take an extra 5 fire damage. For 1 minute, this area is difficult terrain. If the black puddle is exposed to fire, it catches on fire. For 2 turns, all creatures in the puddle take 5 fire damage.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
