Psychic | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
WIS +3
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +1, REP +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Expertise in Insight, Persuasion, and Perception
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Personal Melee Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Land Vehicles
4 of your choice. Including a dead or ancient language if you so choose.
Choose the equipment list from any other occupation.

FEAT: Psionic Resistance

Your mind's guarded against damage to it. You gain resistance to psychic damage. You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions. Starting at tier 3, you gain immunity to psychic damage.

FEAT: Mental Disruption

You have learned how to disrupt the minds of others quite severely. You are able to, as an action, target one creature who you can hear of see. The target then must make a mental saving throw (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, your choice) against a DC of 10 + your WIS modifier and takes 4d6 psychic damage. Upon a success, they take half damage and know someone tried to mess with their mind. Upon a failure, they have that ability score reduced by 4. You may do this a total amount of times equal to your Wisdom ability score modifier. You regain all uses after finishing a long rest. This feature cannot lower a creature's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score below 6. You can target the same creature after 10 days have passed.

FEAT: Insightful Mind

You have honed your mind to start to see glimpses of the future. You may, as an action, make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature of your choice, the DC being their passive Charisma (Deception) (10 + Charisma (Deception) modifier). Upon a success, you gain insight into what that creature might do, but it is blurry. You can only see into the future for 1 minute, and it requires concentration, as if you were concentrating on a spell. You may do this a number of time equal to half your proficiency score, rounded down, this ability recharges every long rest. The duration of your glimpse into the future increases by one minute for every Tier.

For the duration, the following applies: You have advantage on attack rolls against the target, and you have advantage on saving throws caused by them. The target has disadvantage on saving throws caused by you and on attack rolls against you. Examples of causing a saving throw include causing a cave-in and casting a spell that requires a saving throw.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
