Public Utilities Operator | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Public Utilities Operator

Ability Score Increase
INT +2, STR +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +2, SUP +1
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Investigation, Perception, Mechanics, Circuitry, Navigation
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Personal Melee Weapons, Personal Handguns
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Land Vehicles, Choose two from the Commercial Vehicle categories
2 of your choice
Gloves, hard hat, work clothes. A set of casual clothing. A tool belt with hammer, screwdrivers, tape measure, box cutter, and crescent wrench.

FEAT: Rigged Tools

Using some dirt, scrap metal, duct tape, and determination, you can make exactly the tool you need for the job you're doing. It'll just need a few modifications: you now have a set of artificer's tools labeled as "your character's" tools. Using 2 turns or about 10 seconds, you can reshape these tools into any set of artisan's tools. these tools are now treated as this set of tools until you change them again. These tools are non-special, unless they are modified or otherwise empowered through gameplay, and will then carry the same modification in every form. Additionally, when using a tool set you're proficient with, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks.

FEAT: I Just Work Here

Your experience in high traffic industrial zones has given you the ability to gain access to any construction site, lab, power plant, industrial building, public infrastructure, sewer system, public transportation buildings and tunnels, etc. Roll any Charisma skill check made to gain entry with advantage, Once you're on the site you know how to blend in, as long as you don't make any major disturbance. The workers there will treat you as if you are an employee.

FEAT: Built To Last

You have gained the ability to add armor and structure, to any object, creature, vehicle of building. You must provide the requisite scavenging and crafting requirements. You may reduce the time spent, or increase the quality of the materials by retrieving materials from a good source, such as a steel mill, military base, mine etc. Or reduce the crafting time by engaging the help of more people. Refer to the tables bellow for details.

Crafting Requirements

Size CategoryCrafting TimeAmount of Materials
Fine10 min1lbs
Diminutive30 Min5 lbs
Tiny1 hr10 lbs
Small2 hr15 lbs
Medium4 hr50 lbs
Large8 hr500 lbs
Huge2 days4,000 lbs
Gargantuan1 week, & 5 hired workers10,000 lbs
Colossal3 weeks, & 20 hired workers50,000 lbs

Scavenging Time

TimeMaterials Gathered
1 day10,000lbs

Scavenging Quality Results

Roll the Dice
1-6Terrible Materials - +4 AC - 1 for every landed hit.
7-11Poor Materials - +1 AC
12-16Fair Materials - +2 AC
15-17Good Materials - +3 AC (Armor) +6 AC (Vehicle/Building)
18-19Better Materials - +4 AC & 20 HP (Armor) +8 AC & +15% of max or 50 HP (Vehicle/Building)
20Best Materials - +4 AC & 40 HP (Armor) +10 AC & +20% of max or 75 HP (Vehicle/Building)

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
