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Tiefling Racial Abilities

Type :
Prerequisites :

Description :
Hit Points : 4
Size and Type : Planar scions are often Medium, and all are outsiders with the native subtype.
Ability Adjustments : +2 Dex,+2 Int, –2 Cha
Darkvision : Aasimars and tieflings have darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Deceitful : Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Stealth checks.
Fiendish Gloom : As a standard action, the tiefling causes light within 20 feet of her to decrease one step. This gloom lasts for up to 1 minute, but the tiefling can dismiss it as a swift action. Nonmagical light sources can’t increase the light level in this area. Magical light can increase the light level in this area only if it’s from an item or creature of a level or CR higher than that of the tiefling. A tiefling can use this ability once per day, plus a number of times equal to half her CR or level.
Fiendish Resistance : Tieflings have resistance 5 to cold, electricity, and fire.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Features
