Stock Trader | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Stock Trader

Ability Score Increase
INT +2, CHA +1
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +5, +1 to either REP or SUP
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Choose three from Deception, Persuasion, Performance, Investigation, Insight. or Intimidation
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Personal Melee Weapons, Personal Handguns
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Land Vehicles, Yacht
Choose three from, English, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic. Plus one of your choice.
Smartphone, calculator, briefcase, laptop computer, current newspaper subscription.

FEAT: Invest in Defense

You may invest money into defense ventures against one targeted hostile creature from attacking you. The number of turns and cost is 1 turn (1 WEA), 2 turns (1 WEA), 3 turns (2 WEA), 4 turns (4 WEA), and 5 turns (6 WEA). If you are not hit by a single target weapon or feature that deals you damage by the target creature for the number of turns equal to the amount of Wealth spent, you profit twice the Wealth you spent. (There must be at least 2 hostile creatures present to use this feature.) You may use this feature any number of times per day, but may only gain 6 Wealth per day from this feature.

FEAT: Negotiate Damage

You’ve learned how to make, arguably, the most difficult deals; negotiations. After taking damage, you can expend your reaction to attempt to lessen the damage. You make a Persuasion check and the creature that damaged you makes an Insight or Intelligence check. If the source of the damage that caused negotiate damage is not from a creature, such as a trap or inanimate object, they automatically, and critically, succeed their Insight or Intelligence check. If your Persuasion check is higher than the creature's Insight or Intelligence check, the damage dealt to you is halved. If the creature's Intelligence or Insight check is higher than your Persuasion check, you are dealt full damage.

You can expend funds as a part of the reaction to grant yourself advantage on your Persuasion check. The value of funds you must expend is equal to the creature’s CR or level. Treat this as any other purchase subject to compromsing Wealth as descibed in the Wealth and Bartering article.

You can use this ability an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier, after which you must take a long rest in order to do so again.

FEAT: Don't Tell Me the Odds

As a bonus action, you may bet on a die roll to add or subtract an amount from your next attack. To use this feat choose a single die type (d2, d4, d6, or d8). Next choose your winning/loosing range (ex. d6 1-3 Loose, 4-6 Win). Next determine your odds of success using the table bellow. Roll your die, if you win you may add the odds modifier to your next damage roll. If you loose you must subtract the odds modifier from your next damage roll.

You may choose a d10 at Tier 3, a d12 at Tier 5, and a d20 at Tier 7.

(The big 'roll the dice' button doesn't work yet!)

Odds Modifier

Roll the Dice
d2 2+/- 2
d4 2-4+/- 2
d6 2-6+/- 2
d8 2-8+/- 2
d4 3-4+/- 3
d6 3-6+/- 3
d8 3-8+/- 3
d4 4+/- 4
d6 4-6+/- 4
d8 4-8+/- 4
d10 2-10+/- 4
d6 5-6+/- 5
d8 5-8+/- 5
d10 3-10+/- 5
d6 6-6+/- 6
d8 6-8+/- 6
d10 4-10+/- 6
d12 2-12+/- 6
d8 7-8+/- 7
d10 5-10+/- 7
d12 3-12+/- 7
d8 8+/- 8
d10 6-10+/- 8
d12 4-12+/- 8
d20 2-20+/- 8
d10 7-10+/- 9
d12 5-12+/- 9
d20 13-20+/- 11
d10 8-10+/- 10
d12 6-12+/- 10
d20 4-20+/- 10
d10 9-10+/- 11
d12 7-12+/- 11
d20 5-20+/- 11
d10 10+/- 12
d12 8-12+/- 12
d20 6-20+/- 12
d12 9-12+/- 13
d20 7-20+/- 13
d12 10-12+/- 14
d20 8-20+/- 14
d12 11-12+/- 15
d20 9-20+/- 15
d12 12+/- 16
d20 10-20+/- 16
d20 11-20+/- 17
d20 12-20+/- 18
d20 13-20+/- 19
d20 14-20+/- 20
d20 15-20+/- 21
d20 16-20+/- 22
d20 17-20+/- 23
d20 18-20+/- 24
d20 19-20+/- 25
d20 20+/- 26

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
