Student | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
INT +2, CON +2
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Investigation, Perception, Deception, Sleight of Hand
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Personal Melee Weapons, Improvised Weapons, (Assault Rifle?!!)
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Land Vehicles
2 of your choice
A student computer with student software. A set of textbooks in E-book format covering the courses learned to attain a basic degree and specialization in the chosen major field. An email from a dead colleague containing a question you have yet to answer. A set of common clothing.

FEAT: Mcguffin

"This is the only reason I survived the End of the World"

Either before the game starts or promptly thereafter, you find a Uncommon to Legendary Wondrous Item, Weapon or Artifact of the DM's choice and gain proficiency with the item.


FEAT: Sleep?

Your body just accepts that you always forget to take care of basic self care. It now takes 2x as long for you to gain exhaustion for not sleeping, eating, or drinking. Additionally, When you roll initiative, you can replace your roll with a 20. If you do, whatever items are in your hands are put into your backpack and your phone is in both of your hands.


FEAT: Part of the Group

Everyone has a niche in school, even if their niche is no niche. Choose from or roll on the table bellow.


Roll the Dice
1Theatre Kid Proficiency in Performance or Stealth - You've spent so much time depriving your body of its needs you have become adjusted to the worst conditions. You only need half of the required rations for your race, and they can be of terrible quality with no penalty. Additionally your character only needs 4 hours of sleep during a long rest.
2Normie Gain Proficiency in one skill, language or tool. - Your friends and allies have started to look to you for support. At the start of your turn, you may choose a friendly creature within 10 feet of you. They gain a bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one) as long as they stay within this range. In addition, you and all allies in this area have advantage on saving throws against charm effects. The range of this ability increases to 20ft at 6th tier, and 30ft at 9th tier. You must be conscious to grant this bonus. You may use this feat a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier before needing a long rest.
3Goth Proficiency in Intimidation or Deception - As an action you may tap into the hate and anger inside you for a temporary increase in raw power. A blood red aura appears around you. You gain +10ft speed and +2 to your attack and hit rolls for 1d10 + Constitution modifier minutes. Once you use this ability you cannot use it until you finish a long rest.
4Bookworm Proficiency in History, Religion, or Nature - You are able to memorize a message of 200 words and 10 images, at 5th 500 words and 20 images, at 9th 900 words and 50 images, and at 15th 1500 words and 90 images after hearing or reading it once. You make a DC 10 intelligence check to repeat the message exactly. You have advantage on the check if the message is shorter than the maximum you can memorize.
5Weeb/Anime Girl Proficiency in History, Circuitry, or Mechanics - Your personality effects other people so negatively that when you speak and talk about Anime you hurt people. Once per round, as an interaction, a reaction, an action, or as all of your movement, you can talk about how amazing Anime is. Everyone who can hear you except you and Senpai (one chosen creature) suffers 1d10 psychic damage. You may use this feat a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier before needing a long rest.
6Horse Girl Proficiency in Animal Handling - Other wild beasts begin to see you as an animal, not a humanoid, and begin treating you as such. You can sort of understand animals. They cannot speak directly to you, nor can you to an animal, but you can sense their emotions and understand messages they are trying to convey. If an animal is of the same kingdom as your Furry Kingdom (Mammal, Reptilian, or Avian), it will become friendly toward you. Your DM decides which animals fall under these Kingdoms.
7Band Kid One musical instrument -After years of 'practice' you have finally 'mastered' it. The art of music so awesome, it blows the minds of those around you. You can use your attack action to start (or continue) a song, dealing 1d10 psychic damage to all enemies that may hear you. They MUST be able to hear for this to actually damage them. This will not affect people who you think of as allies. You may use this feat a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier before needing a long rest.
8Jock Proficiency in Athletics or Acrobatics - You tend to find things of incredible use entirely by accident while wandering aimlessly. Ability checks you make to find hidden items and mechanisms have advantage; however, whenever you find a trap or mechanism this way, it is automatically activated.
9Prom Queen Proficiency in Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion - You command attention by snapping. When you snap, an echo reverberates up to 20 ft. away, cutting through all noise. All creatures within 20 ft. must succeed a wisdom saving throw or stop what they are doing to pay attention to you. An affected creature cannot act during its next turn. A creature has disadvantage on this saving throw if they could be attracted to you. You may use this ability a number of times a day equal to your Charisma Modifier (Min. 1). If a creature is immune to being charmed, they are not affected by this ability.
10Church Kid Proficiency in Religion - You use a bonus action to use your biting tongue to compel a target creature within 60ft to redouble their efforts and do better. It is not nice, and its very pointed, but the target receives a d6 or your Intelligence Modifier to enhance an Attack roll To Hit, for Damage, Saves, Ability and Skill checks. The Target Takes an d6 of Psychic Damage to their current MAX HP. Once given the recipient has 1 minute to use this die before or after they make a roll, but always before the DM determines whether the attack roll or ability is successful. You may use this feat a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier before needing a long rest.
11ROTC Resistance to Bludgeoning Damage - You may use an action to challenge any humanoid enemy your size or smaller that understands any language you can speak to a 1-on-1 bout. Make a Charisma Intimidation check and the enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, the targeted enemy will only attack you and the bout ends when one combatant is Incapacitated, Surrenders, or attacks another enemy. You may use this feat once per day.
12D&D Club Increase your Hero Point Maximum by 2 - Something in your life has caused you to have a strange understanding of the world around you, things that to others are incomprehensible and crazy. You understand things such as XP, Stats, Initiative, and other such game rules. As a bonus action, you may find out a stat or DC of anything.

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Element 133 Occupation
