Witch | Element 133 Occupation | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
INT +2, WIS +2
Wealth, Reputation and Supply
WEA +2
Speed Modifier
Skill Proficiencies
Insight, Religion, Choose one of, Medicine, Perception, or Deception
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies
Archaic Simple Weapons, Archaic Martial Weapons, Personal Melee Weapons
Tool Proficiencies
Civilian Land Vehicles, Tarrot Cards
3 of your choice, and one dead or ancient language
A musical instrument, a trinket revealing chaos from the past, a set of well worn clothes. Your witchcraft talisman.

FEAT: Witchcraft

For centuries the art of witchcraft has been viewed as superstition. But you know better. Witchcraft can be a terrifying thing to witness. A hexer controls many dark and fearsome spells, to destroy and control those that oppose them. But, surprisingly, they are also able to heal, although that is in and on itself a scary process, as they know spells that siphon the health of others and transfer it to another, or gift creatures a false sense of health, when truly they are only ignoring the pain and suffering in their bodies.

A hexer is called that for their ability to cast, and control terrible curses on their enemies. They have a pool of dark arcane energy surging through their blood, and by spilling their blood they can cast hexes. A creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC (CHA, INT or WIS), on a failure the targeted creature becomes afflicted by your hex. A creature can only be affected by one hex at a time, but you can have as many creatures affected by hexes as you can, based on how many hex points you have.

Hex Points

TierNumber of Hexes KnownHex Points

You may regain your hex points by performing a ritual of some sort (ex. sacrifice, equinox ritual, or similar ritual based on your religion/pantheon.) This ritual may be completed over a long rest and requires a full uninterupted period of 8 hours and access to any materials necessary.

List of Hexes

Frightening Hex: This hex afflicts the target's mind, bringing forth its greatest fears when you attack it. They become frightened of you for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. This hex costs 2 hex points.

Trembling Hex: This hex causes the target to shake uncontrollably, as if pure panic had taken control of their bodies. Creatures afflicted by this hex automatically fail checks against being disarmed, and they have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. This hex costs 4 hex points.

Hex of Unending Flow: This hex increases the flow of blood on the affected creature's wounds. When anyone deals piercing or slashing damage to a creature affected by this hex they will start bleeding profusely, causing 1d4 damage to it at the start of its turns for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. This hex costs 1 hex point.

Shattering Hex: This hex will react to your arcane powers and form cracks on the targeted creature's defenses. They lose 1 point from their Armor Class. This hex ends after its effect is activated. This hex costs 1 hex point.

Sacrificial Hex: You learn how to make a special type of sacrifice, with which you can regain their arcane energies. When you kill a creature that's within 5 feet of you can use a bonus action to make a sacrifice. When you make one, you regain a number of expended hex points equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Hex of Enfeeblement: This hex will weaken the body of the afflicted creature. When a creature is affected by this hex, choose which ability will be affected, between Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. For the duration of the hex the affected creature has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with the chosen ability. This hex costs 3 hex points.

Hex of the Weak Mind: This hex will weaken the mind of the afflicted creature. When a creature is affected by this hex, choose which ability will be affected, between Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. For the duration of the hex the affected creature has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with the chosen ability. This hex costs 3 hex points.

Warding Hex: This hex shields you from within the afflicted target's body. When a creature affected by this hex makes a melee attack against you and hits they don't add their ability modifiers on the attack. This hex costs 1 hex point.

Hex of Warning: While afflicted by this hex, creatures can't hide from you. You have advantage on Perception checks against creatures afflicted by this hex. This hex costs 1 hex point.

Exploding Hex: When a creature dies affected by this hex, you make sure any creature around them is taken down as well. When anyone kills a creature afflicted by the Exploding Hex it causes an explosion in a circle with a 30 ft diameter centered on the afflicted creature. All the creatures in the explosion's area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 4d6 of damage, or half of that damage on a success. The damage type of the explosion is the same as of the weapon or effect which killed the affected creature. This hex costs 2 hex points.

Hex of Confusion: This hex confuses the mind of a creature. When a creature affected by this hex makes an attack, it has a 50% chance of attacking another random creature. This hex costs 1 hex point.

Hex of the Puppet: This hex conjures a puppet of the creature. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw, if it is not successful the creature is inflicted by the hex. The hexer can use its bonus action to stab the puppet with a needle, causing 2d10 of necrotic damage and add 1 Needle to the doll. The hexer can consume the doll and destroy the doll afflicting 3d12 of necrotic damage if the creature dies, the hexer recovers the hex points spent by this hex and the level of the creature in spell slots. This hex costs 5 hex points.

FEAT: Witch Talisman

You choose a witch talisman. Your witch talisman counts as an arcane focus for the purpose of casting witch spells and hexes. A talisman is a highly personal item that the witch has imbued with a part of their soul, acting as a channel to the ambient magical energies of the universe.

Talismans, regardless of type, have half the amount of health that you do and an AC of 20. They can only be hit if targeted specifically and cannot be included in areas of effect. If a talisman is destroyed, a witch loses their spellcasting abilities and any ongoing hexes they cast immediately end. Witch's also take 50% of their maximum health in damage when a talisman is destroyed. A talisman is restored to full hit points and automatically created anew if destroyed after the witch takes a long rest.

Your choice of talisman also gives you a special ability associated with it, based on its type as listed below. This choice cannot be changed.

  • Amulet: Your talisman is a magical amulet with a design unique and iconic to you. While you wear it you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. (Examples: A lucky coin, a shiny button that replaces a button on anything you wear, a scarab beetle necklace, a silver belt buckle, a four leaf clover that never wilts, a bone pentacle.)
  • Athame: Your talisman is an ornate or rustic magical weapon. Typically this weapon takes the form of a dagger, short sword or other onehanded blade, but could also be a spear, hammer, or any other melee weapon. You are proficient in the use of your athame and it deals 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen when you select this class feature. Attacks with your athame use your spell attack bonus on attack rolls and add your Intelligence modifier on damage rolls. Over the course of a long rest, you can choose to desummon your athame and resummon it as a different type of melee weapon. (Examples: A black glass dagger, a silver longsword, a stone handaxe, a bone spear, a gleaming glove that produces a deadly blade, a barbed scourge.)
  • Headpiece: Your talisman is a hat, pendant, barrette, hairband, headband or head piece of some sort with a design unique to yourself, generally with a jewel or bone centerpiece. While you wear it you gain proficiency in any 2 skills, chosen when you select this class feature. (Examples: A pointed, conical hat. A gem that hangs from a chain in the center of the forehead. A butterfly barrette. A beautiful sapphire pin.)
  • Focus: Your talisman is a magic wand, broom, staff, crystal, tome or rod with a design unique to you. While you wield it your hex damage increases by one die and your spell DC increases by 1. (Examples: A carved wand of bone, a twined ivy bracelet, a crystal ball that floats above the hand, a tome of fairy tales and poems, a staff made from a single ancient oak branch, a gnarled broom, a giant pestle.)
  • Ring: Your talisman is a ring of power with a unique design. It could be chased metal, fine wire with a jewel or bone setting, a thick band, a wedding ring, a cage ring, a claw ring or any other finger adornment. While you wear your ring you can speak, read, and understand the following alphabets and languages, Latin, Honorian Alphabet, Theban Alphabet, Hymmnos, 2 of your choice.

When a witch dies, their talisman is destroyed in a spectacular display of magical power. It cracks, streams of light pouring from it until it shatters and explodes in a cloud of glittering dust, elemental energy, shrapnel and arcane force. One piece of it always remains: the burned husk of a witch’s broom, the blackened crystal from a gorgeous necklace, the broken hilt of a cruel knife.

FEAT: Witch's Mind

Your mind has completely transformed into one of a witch, your mind and powers are mystical and powerful enough to word off most intrusions of the mind. You have immune to the charmed condition, and you can't be put to sleep.

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Statblock Type

Element 133 Occupation
