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Berserker's Blood

Potion Ingestible

Ingredients: INVIGORATE + Dragonroot

Risk DC: 16

Recommended Tier: 3


Berserker’s Blood is a dark red potion that when consumed causes the drinker to enter a state of rage, enlarging their muscles and adding a slight red hue to the blood in their veins. While enraged you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the appropriate type when making melee weapon attacks. However, the berserk potion causes you to have disadvantage to Perception checks while under its effect. These effects last for up to 1 minute. If multiple doses of Berserker’s Blood are consumed in 1 hour, the consumer takes 3d10 + 3 poison damage, due to the overflow of toxin in their system.

Created by


Statblock Type

Element 133 Alchemy
