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Animal Empathy - 2000 AXP

TIER ONE FEATURE: Animal Empathy

    • AXP: 2000
    • Pre-Requisites: Proficiency in the Animal Handling skill or access granted by selecting Scout or Jockey as base class
    • Grants Access To: None

You gain the ability to use your Persuasion skill to improve the attitude of a beast. The interaction is treated as a Animal Handling skill check, with Persuasion used instead of Animal Handling. You must be within 30 feet of the creature to use this ability.

Most domestic animals have a starting attitude of indifferent, while most wild animals are unfriendly. (Exceptions exist: trained guard dogs may have an initial reaction of hostile to strangers.)

You may also seek to influence aberations and monsters (including those you have never encountered before) at a –4 penalty. Animal Empathy does not function on vermin, insects, or crustacions.


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Statblock Type

Element 133 Class Feature
