LexCorp Technician / Field Scientist
- Gadgetry: 8
Scientist: 8
Detective (Clue Analysis): 4
- Connection: LexCorp (low)
Scholar (Use a Scientific Specialty that matches plot / appearance of scientist)
LexCorp employee
: Wealth 5 ( Approx. Annual Income : $40,000)
Body: 3, Paralysis: 8, Mind Blast: 6, R#: 3
Body Armor
Body: 6, Energy Absorption: 7
Radar Sense: 4
Detect (Life): 5
Sonar: 4
Radio Communication: 8
Scientist: 7
Bonus: Scientist skill allows a "Team" roll for the holder with the Multi-Scanner being one member of the "Team"
When a LexCorp field tech purchases parts for gadgetry, they use Luthor's wealth stat, not their own.
Benchmark (based on current attributes above)
DEX (Dexterity)
The person has normal agility and can perform activities associated with daily living.
STR (Strength)
A normal human that can lift 200lbs over their head.
BODY (Body)
A normal human who is susceptible to normal amounts of pain.
INT (Intelligence)
The individual has the ability to process information on the level of an industrious college student.
WILL (Willpower)
This individual has exceptional self-discipline and can remain calm and rational during a crisis.
MIND (Mind)
This person's mind is conditioned to withstand stressful conditions similar to those faced by police officers, firemen and doctors.
INFL (Influence)
The individual recieves the normal attention accorded any living creature.
AURA (Aura)
At this level an individual can leave a basic impression on someone.
SPIRIT (Spirit)
The individual can withstand average life experiences with two or three major crises.
This person can afford to spend up to $800 per week