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The Zephyr Effect

Pocket Watch Wizard

Wondrous Item

Very Rare

As an action, you can activate this pocket watch and for 60 seconds, a disheveled looking wizard named Steve in a Spirit of Halloween costume will appear within 10 ft of the user. Steve goes after the user's intuitive count. Steve can make one attack on his turn (+5 to hit, DC 14). Steve has an AC of 12, 22 HP and a movement speed of 30ft. Steve has the following spells prepared  
Cantrip Firebolt
Level 1(4 slots) Magic Missile, Disguise Self, Feather Fall
Level 2 (2 slots) Scorching Ray, Darkness
Level 3 (1 slot) Fireball
    Once this property has been used, you can't use it again until the next dawn. If Steve is reduced to 0 HP, they will disappear and not return for 1d6 days

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