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Uriel/Ramiel, Homebrew


Wondrous Item Rare

The magic infused into this living book allows a person trained or experienced in arcane magic (arcana) to cast spells from it.   If you find a spell sheet or scroll, you may spend the money and materials required to write that spell into a spellbook to add it to the Grimoire. Each grimoire has a particular capacity, and if that capacity is met, older spells must be removed in order to add new ones. Which spell is removed is based on a random roll by the DM. A grimoire may have specific limitations by spell limit and class.   This item is a boon item which requires the user to be bound to it to be used (you must bind yourself to the item to use it; you must destroy this item or ritually unbind yourself from it before you can become bound to another item). Certain effects may be incurred when attempting to bind to particular grimoires, especially tomes (the sentient variety).

Weight: 3


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Statblock Type

