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Large celestial, any
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 177 (16d10+80)
Speed: 50 ft , fly: 100 ft


20 +5


24 +7


21 +5


17 +3


14 +2


17 +3

Saving Throws: Constitution +12, Dexterity +13, Intelligence +9
  • Arcane +9
  • Religion +9
  • Survival +8
  • Perception +8 (advantage on anything sight based)
  • Medicine +15
Damage Vulnerabilities: Each 5hp of necrotic damage taken by Obinah reduces an Obinah's attack and damage roll by 1, and speed by 5" until the end of the Obinah's next turn after taking the damage
Damage Resistances: Fire, Magical bludgeoning slashing or piercing damage that is not also adamantine
Damage Immunities: Radiant, Non-magical bludgeoning slashing or piercing damage
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious
  • Darkvision 120"
  • Adjacent Sight 30"
Languages: All

  • Cleric Level equivalent to 50% HD +1 (Light and Life Domains)

At will:
  • Spare the Dying
  • Guidance
  • Resistance
  • True Strike
  • Dancing Lights
  • Enlarge/Reduce

  • Word Power Kill
  • Foresight

  • Plane Shift
  • Greater Restoration
  • Regenerate
  • Sunburst

  • Lesser Restoration
  • Teleport
  • Faerie Lights
  • Shield
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel Magic

  • All radiant damage dealt by an Obinah immediately triggers the BURNED condition based on the total radiant damage dealt
  • Magic Resistance, advantage on all savings throws against magic
  • Magic Weapons, all weapons wielded by the Obinah are automatically magical
  • Medicinal, the first time an Obinah comes within 30" of a creature in a 24 hours period, the Obinah can heal the equivalent of 1hp per creature HD to a maximum per 24 hours of the Obinah's maximum hit points
  • Converts 50% of radiant energy damage to hit points gained (maximum 32 per turn)


  • Multiattack. Obinah make 2 inacdescent wing attacks, 1 Halo burn and can use any available recharge ability
  • Incandescent whips. +13 melee weapon attack, range 50"/200", 3d10+7 slashing damage AND 3d8+3 radiant damage
  • Halo burn. All enemy creatures within 30" must make a constitution savings throw DC 20. On a save all damage dealt triggers the BURNED condition until the start of the Obinah's next turn. A successful save negates this effect
  • Psychic Blast (Recharge 5-6). Target creatures in a 30" x 30" cone in any direction from the Obinah must make a strength savings throw DC 20 or take 4d6+3 force damage and be pushed back by 2x damage taken in feet and be knocked prone. On a successful save target takes half damage and is not knocked back or prone
  • Sensory Loss (Recharge 5-6). A target hit by an incandescent whip must make a charisma savings throw DC 20. On a failed save the target is blind and deaf for 1 minute with a saving throw allowable at the end of a creature's turn to end the effect. On a successful save the target suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn.


  • Spirit Shield (16 charges). Creates a shield of pure spiritual energy surrounding 1x creature within 30". The Spirit Shield has temporay hit points equal to d10 per charge spent, and a maximum of 4 charges can be assigned to 1x target
  • Negation (recharge 6)
  • Dampen Elements (recharge 6)
  • Sentinel at Death's Door (recharge 5-6)

Legendary Actions

3 legendary actions available between turns:

  1. Use a skill (1 action)
  2. Cast a cantrip (1 action)
  3. Light step (2 actions) move 100" to an unoccupied space
  4. Incandescent whip attack (3 actions)

Incandescent beings radiating pure blinding white energy. There form is typically upright, radiant energy fanning out as limbs or in the semblance of wings or haloes.   When they communicate, their words are amplified by the roaring of intense light, echoing on the fabric the places.

Suggested Environments

Inhabitants of the outer planes, Obinah can be found anywhere. They tend to congregate in places with ready access to wild radiant energy.

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

