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Poltergeist - Ghost 5

When a creature dies, and for whatever reason, its spirit is unable or unwilling to leave the site of its death, that spirit may manifest as a poltergeist: a restless invisible spirit that can still manipulate physical objects. Many poltergeists perished in a way that resulted from or has led to extreme emotional trauma.   Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 20 Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20 Unspecific Lore: DC 18 Specific Lore: DC 15   Source Bestiary pg. 264
Perception +11 Darkvision
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +14 , Intimidation +15 , Stealth +14

STR -5 , DEX +5 , CON +0 , INT -1 , WIS +2 , CHA +4

AC 22
Saving Throws Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +13
HP55 rejuvenation - Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; double resistance against non-magical)
Speed fly 20 feet
Ranged telekinetic object +13 +8 / +3 (evocation, magical, occult, range increment 60 feet), Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (depending on object)
Special Abilities Site BoundA poltergeist is tied to a location and can’t travel more than 120 feet from the place where it was created or formed. Some poltergeists are instead bound to a specific room, building, or similar area
Natural Invisibility A poltergeist is naturally invisible. It becomes visible only when it uses Frighten.
Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) When a poltergeist is destroyed, it re-forms, fully healed, where it was destroyed after 2d4 days. A poltergeist can be permanently destroyed only if someone determines the reason for its existence and sets right whatever prevents the spirit from resting.
Telekinetic Defense Trigger A creature approaches within 10 feet of the poltergeist. Effect The poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike against the triggering creature.
Frighten (concentrate, emotion, fear, incapacitation, mental) Requirement The poltergeist must be invisible. Effect The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 21 Will save, becoming frightened 2 on a failure. On a critical failure, it’s also fleeing for as long as it’s frightened. On a success, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. At the start of its next turn, the poltergeist becomes invisible again.
Telekinetic Storm (concentrate, evocation, occult) The poltergeist telekinetically throws numerous small objects, such as dozens of pieces of silverware or books, either spreading them out among multiple foes or directing them at one target. When this effect is spread out among multiple foes, the poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike at a –2 penalty against each creature within 30 feet. These count as one attack for the poltergeist’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks.
When this effect has only one target, the poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike against the target, and the damage increases to 3d12 . It deals 1d12 damage on a failure, and no damage on a critical failure.
Spells Occult Innate Spells DC 23, attack +13 ; 3rd telekinetic maneuver (at will Cantrips (3rd) mage hand
Distrubed Rest One of the most common ways for a poltergeist to form is when its burial site is desecrated by the construction of a dwelling. This is usually an accident, but some evil creatures seek out such burial sites, intentionally creating poltergeists to serve as guardians.
Poltergeist Treasure A poltergeist needs items to hurl as weapons, and over centuries of use, only durable objects survive its rampages. Silver dinnerware, hatchets, and books might all be found in a poltergeist’s collection.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
