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Jaul Mezmin - Werewolf 6

Male Human Werewolf Stalker a violent criminal and murderous Werewolf‌ wanted in the town of Engleher for the slaying of several locals 30 years ago. Jaul’s last victim was a woman named Ayla Nolock, wife of Lathan Nolock, the owner of the Engleher Market. Jaul hid in plain sight as one of the druids of the Stone Ring of Vrur while he committed his murders, but when he was found out, he escaped capture by leaping from the cliffs into the river. The currents pulled him into caves, leaving him nearly drowned, but over the following weeks he recovered and found his way here
Perception +14 low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common; wolf empathy
Skills Acrobatics +12 , Athletics +15 , Deception +12 , Nature +14 , Survival +14

STR +5 , DEX +2 , CON +0 , INT -1 , WIS +4 , CHA +2

Items +1 striking katar (2), bejeweled necklace worth 10 gp featuring a porpoise and the engraving, “Ayla, My Beloved”
AC 24
Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +16 , +1 status vs. poison
HP120 - Weaknesses silver 7 - Resistances poison 3
Speed 25 feet
Melee Katar +17 +13 / +9 (agile, deadly d6, magical, monk), Damage Piercing
Claw +16 +12 / +8 (agile), Damage Slashing
Jaws +16 +11 / +6 , Damage Piercing plus curse of the werewolf
Special Abilities Wolf Empathy (divination, primal) Jaul can communicate with lupines.
Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) As werecreature; human with fist +16 for 1d6+7 bludgeoning, or wolf with Speed 40 feet and jaws with Knockdown.
Curse of the Werewolf (curse, necromancy, primal) This curse only affects humanoids; Saving Throw DC 23 Fortitude. On each full moon, the cursed creature must succeed at another Fortitude save or turn into a werewolf until dawn. The creature is under the GM’s control and goes on a rampage for half the night before falling unconscious at dawn.
Moon Frenzy (divine, transmutation) Chains in the evangelist's vicinity sprout barbs and writhe menacingly. The evangelist can make chain Strikes against any creature adjacent to an unattended chain within 20 feet, in addition to those within the reach of the evangelist's chain Strike.
Wolf Coordination Jaul’s Strikes deal extra damage to creatures within his wolf’s reach.
Spells Primal Prepared Spells DC 24, attack +15 ; 3rd heal, lightning bolt, wall of thorns; 2nd heal, summon animal, water breathing; 1st feather fall, grease, magic fang; Cantrips (3rd) acid splash, detect magic, produce flame, tanglefoot
Animal Order Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 24; 3rd heal animal

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
