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Yalen CN
Character Name Alignment
Druid 4
Character Level
Tiamani M
Race Size
Male 20
Gender Age
- -
Height Weight
Red Blue
Hair Eyes
Animism Weicheir Drovelands
Deity Homeland
Elementalist 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
10 +0 N/A +0
12 +1 N/A +1
14 +2 N/A +2
10 +0 N/A +0
16 +3 N/A +3
12 +1 N/A +1
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +6 +4 CON +2 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +2 +1 DEX +1 +0 +0 +0
Will +7 +4 WIS +3 +0 +0 +0
Saving Throw Notes

Immune to temperature effects between -50 and 140 degrees. +4 vs fey fey spells and supernatural abilities and spells that target plants.

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+3 +3 +0 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
14 10 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0

Common, Druidic

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Acrobatics +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Bluff +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
Climb +0 (STR)  +0 +0 +0
  Diplomacy +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
  Disguise +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
  Escape Artist +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
Fly +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
Heal +3 (WIS)  +3 +0 +0
  Intimidate +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Arcana +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Dungeoneering +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Local +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Knowledge: Nature +9 (INT)  +0 +4 +5
  Knowledge: Planes +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Religion +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Perception +3 (WIS)  +3 +0 +0
Ride +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Sense Motive +3 (WIS)  +3 +0 +0
  Stealth +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
Survival +11 (WIS)  +3 +3 +5
Swim +0 (STR)  +0 +0 +0
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Craft: Sculptures +7 (INT)  +0 +4 +3
  Knowledge: Engineering +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Knowledge: Geography +7 (INT)  +0 +4 +3
  Knowledge: History +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nobility +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Profession: Miner +7 (WIS)  +3 +1 +3
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)

Spell Focus (Transmutation)

Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation)


Fey Protection: +1 AC against AOO from Fey, and +1 to saving throws against fey abilities.

Unhappy Childhood: +2 to Concentration Checks

Class Features

Druid Weapon/Armor proficiency.

Element Bond: When Meditating choose a domain (Air, Earth, Fire, Water or any sub domain other than metal of those domains). Gain all powers and spells of that domain, can expend a spell slot for domain spells instead of prepped spell.

Wild Empathy: 1d20 + Cha mod to make animals friendly.

Trackless Step: Cannot be tracked unless they decide to be.

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Level 0 Spells



This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance.

divination \ \

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute
Targets: creature touched


The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.


conjuration (healing \ \ cleric/oracle 0, druid 0, inquisitor 0, psychic 0, witch 0

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: instantaneous
Targets: one living creature


Components V,S
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

Upon casting this spell, you target a living creature that has –1 or fewer hit points. That creature is automatically stabilized and does not lose any further hit points. If the creature later takes damage, it continues dying normally.
PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 312


Transmutation \ \ Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)

Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 10 ft
Duration: Duration instantaneous
Targets: one object up to 1 lb./level


This spell repairs damaged objects, restoring 1d4 hit points to the object. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. All of the pieces of an object must be present for this spell to function. Magic items can be repaired by this spell, but you must have a caster level equal to or higher than that of the object. Magic items that are destroyed (at 0 hit points or less) can be repaired with this spell, but this spell does not restore their magic abilities. This spell does not affect creatures (including constructs). This spell has no effect on objects that have been warped or otherwise transmuted, but it can still repair damage done to such items.    
Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory

Enhanced Diplomacy

Divine diplomacy

Divination \ \
cleric 0, druid 0-level
Save: Will negates (harmless)
SR: yes (harmless)

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Duration: 1 minute or until discharged
Area: N/A
Effect: +2 competence bonus on a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check
Targets: creature touched
Componenent: V, S


You imbue the subject with divine diplomacy skills. The creature gets a +2 competence bonus on a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.

Level 1 Spells


transmutation; \ \ druid 1, ranger 1, shaman 1;

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Duration: 1 min./level (D
Area: plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread
Domain: plant 1;


Components V, S, DF
Saving Throw Reflex partial; see text; Spell Resistance no

This spell causes tall grass, weeds, and other plants to wrap around creatures in the area of effect or those that enter the area. Creatures that fail their save gain the entangled condition. Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of your turn. Creatures that move into the area must save immediately. Those that fail must end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to the DC of the spell. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the effect lasts.   If the plants in the area are covered in thorns, those in the area take 1 point of damage each time they fail a save against the entangle or fail a check made to break free. Other effects, depending on the local plants, might be possible at GM discretion.

Expeditious Excavation

You can excavate and move earth, dust, and sand up to the size of a 5-foot cube.

Transmutation \ \ Earth

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: dirt in a 5-ft. cube


If you are buried, you may open a 5-foot cube around yourself, but the spell cannot be used for tunneling.   Besides its mundane applications, you can open a 5-foot-deep pit at a creature’s feet. A Medium or smaller creature falls prone in the pit unless it succeeds on a Reflex save. With a successful save, it can choose to land harmlessly on its feet in the pit or hop to an adjacent square; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A creature can escape a 5-foot-deep pit with a DC 5 Climb check. Larger creatures may ignore pits smaller than their size.   The earth excavated by this spell is ordinarily distributed harmlessly across the spell’s range, but you may choose to throw up a burst of grit and debris when you dig a pit. This cloud of debris provides concealment to any creatures in the square affected and all adjacent squares for 1 round. Expeditious excavation has no effect on solid rock or earth creatures.

Level 2 Spells


Expeditious Excavation

You can excavate and move earth, dust, and sand up to the size of a 5-foot cube.

Transmutation \ \ Earth

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: dirt in a 5-ft. cube


If you are buried, you may open a 5-foot cube around yourself, but the spell cannot be used for tunneling.   Besides its mundane applications, you can open a 5-foot-deep pit at a creature’s feet. A Medium or smaller creature falls prone in the pit unless it succeeds on a Reflex save. With a successful save, it can choose to land harmlessly on its feet in the pit or hop to an adjacent square; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A creature can escape a 5-foot-deep pit with a DC 5 Climb check. Larger creatures may ignore pits smaller than their size.   The earth excavated by this spell is ordinarily distributed harmlessly across the spell’s range, but you may choose to throw up a burst of grit and debris when you dig a pit. This cloud of debris provides concealment to any creatures in the square affected and all adjacent squares for 1 round. Expeditious excavation has no effect on solid rock or earth creatures.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by

Ian Eiriksson.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
