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Mourning Voice Prophet - Devotee 4

The Sun Maiden occasionally send messages in dreams to individuals who wander the lands, gaining followers with their oratorical abilities. These devotees of the Maiden's repose use their connection to the Mourning Sun to calm restless spirits.
Perception +13
Languages Common
Skills Diplomacy +12 , Performance +12 (+14 to spout prophecy), Religion +10 , Survival +10 , Spirit Lore +12

STR +2 , DEX +2 , CON +1 , INT +2 , WIS +3 , CHA +5

Items Items +1 Scimitar, manifesto (functions as religious text), Crossbow (20 Bolts), robes
AC 20
Saving Throws Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +15
Speed 25 ft
Melee Scimitar +11 +6 / +1 (disarm, sweep, trip), Damage Slashing
Ranged Crossbow +9 +4 / -1 (60 Feet), Damage Piercing
Spells Occult Innate Spells DC 21 attack +11 ; CantripsDaze, Guidance
Divine Spontaneous Spells Spells DC 21 attack +11 2nd Heal, Calm Emotions, Dispel Magic, Gentle Repose (4 slots) 1st bless, heal, ray of enfeeblement, sanctuary (4 slots Cantrips (2nd) Disrupt Undead, detect magic,Divine Lance know direction, light, prestidigitation, read aura
Cleric Domain Spells DC 21 1 Focus Point;
  • 1st Share Burden

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
