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Eldritch Apothecary - Healer 1

Surrounded by bottles and bins of Mysterious reagents, curative minerals, and potent extracts, Fueled by Morbid Curiosity, the apothecary skillfully combines materials into unguents and medicines. These apprentice healers are frequently hired by adventurer bands to provide much-needed healing.   Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15   Unspecific Lore: DC 13   Specific Lore: DC 10
Perception +7
Languages Common
Skills Crafting +7 (+10 for alchemy and medication), Fleshwarp Lore +12 , Medicine +12 , Nature +10

STR +1 , DEX +2 , CON +2 , INT +3 , WIS +3 , CHA +2

Items leather apron (functions as padded armor), dagger, healer's tools, lesser acid flask (2), Lesser Bestial Mutagen (2), Lesser Cognitive Mutagen (2),minor elixir of life (2), mortar and pestle, Formula Book
AC 15
Saving Throws Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +7 , +1 circumstance to all saves vs. poisons
HP25 - Resistances poison 3
Speed 25 feet
Melee stone pestle +5 +0 / -5 , Damage Bludgeoning ;
Dagger +6 +2 / -2 (agile, Finesse, Versitile), Damage Piercing ;  
Ranged acid flask +6 +1 / -4 (range increment 20 feet, splash), Damage 1 Acid Plus Persistant Acid and 1 Acid Splash;
Special Abilities Assurance (Medicine)
  Medical Wisdom The apothecary can identify the effect of any alchemical composition or medical ingredient using only their senses. This typically takes 1 minute.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
