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Tale-Teller Mitflit - Downtrodden 1

These unusual Mitflits have shaken their trademarked timidity. They scout the swamps for hunting grounds and good forage. some swamp hunters have traded tales of aggressive feral Mitflits that pulled their legs out from underneath them.   Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 14   Unspecific Lore: DC 12   Specific Lore: DC 9
Perception +5 ; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +6 , Athletics +3 ,Diplomacy +2 (+8 vs. arthropods), Nature +4 , Stealth +6 , Thievery +5

STR +0 , DEX +3 , CON +0 , INT +0 , WIS +1 , CHA +0

Items Dart (10), Shortsword
AC 16
Saving Throws Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +5
HP12 - Weaknesses Cold Iron 2
Speed 20 feet, Climb 20 feet
Melee Shortsword +9 +5 / +1 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage piercing
Ranged Dart +9 +5 \ +1 (agile, range increment 20 feet, thrown), Damage piercing
Special Abilities Vengeful Anger (emotion, mental) As long as it isn’t frightened, a mitflit gains a +2 status bonus to damage rolls against a creature that has previously damaged or tormented it.
Titan Wrestler A Tale-teller can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than themselves.
Vermin Empathy Mitflits can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on and Request things of arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals). Most arthropods have a starting attitude of indifferent to mitflits.
Spells Primal Innate Spells DC 16 +6
2nd Speak With Animals (at will; arthropods only)
1st Bane
Cantrips (1st) Prestidigitation

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
