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Type Humanoid/(Feline)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength
Size small
Speed 20ft
Language Amuru'shi begin play speaking two regional languages and Necril. Amuru'shi with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Elven, and Sylvan.

Racial Traits

  • [-1 RP] Negative Energy Affinity (Ex): Though a living creature, an amuru'shi reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it.
  • [-1 RP] Slow (Ex): Amuru'shi are slower than most races at 20ft.
  • [3 RP] Exceptional Darkvision (Ex): Amuru'shi are capable of seeing 120ft. in complete darkness.
  • [3 RP] Death Magic (Ex, Su): Amuru'shi add +1 to the DC of any necromancy spells that they cast. In addition, once per day an Amuru'shi is capable of reanimating an undead similiar to casting the spell Animate Dead, Lesser. An Amuru'shi can only ever control one undead with this ability at a time, they lose control over any subsequent created undead. This ability is its own separate pool of HD the Amuru'shi can control. The caster level for this ability is equal to the Amuru'shi's total class levels.
  • [1 RP] Nimble Faller (Ex): Amuru'shi have an uncanny ability to always land on their feet. An Amuru'shi ignores the first 20ft of lethal fall damage, and never needs to roll an Acrobatics check to land on their feet.
  • [1 RP] Resist Level Drain (Ex): An Amuru'shi takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though she can still be killed if she accrues more negative levels then she has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels an amuru'shi takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
  • [4 RP] Aura of Ill Fortune (Su): An Amuru'shi's presence brings about misfortune to any that would dare be next to one. Any creature within 20ft of an amuru'shi must roll two d20s whenever a situation calls for a d20 roll (such as an attack roll, a skill check, or a saving throw) and must use the lower of the two results generated. This is a mind-affecting effect that does not work on feline animals, cat-like creatures, other amuru'shi, amurruns, or undead. Any character who gains any sort of luck bonus (such as that granted by a luckstone or divine favor) is immune to the amuru'shi's aura.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
