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Carkade Noble Legionnaire

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 22 (Natural + Scale Armour + Runes)
Hit Points: 75+
Speed: 40 ft , climb: 20 ft


19 +4


10 +0


17 +3


9 -1


13 +1


14 +2

Saving Throws: Wisdom +5, Strength +8 (advantage of all strength savings throws)
  • Athletics +8
  • Perception +5
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Drakvision 60"
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder

  • Triple distance with any jump
  • Can reroll a failed savings throw (3x between long rests)


  • 2x macuahuitl +8 2d12+4 + DC strength savings throw vs damage dealt or be incapacitated until same initiative score in next round
  • Fearsome gaze (Recharge 5-6) one opponent within 30" must make a DC 13 wisdom savings throw or be restrained until end of opponent's next turn
  • If Noble Legionnaire moves 10" and jumps before attacking, Noble Legionnaire gains advantage to hit with the first attack. If successful the attack counts as a critical hit
  • Regenerate, 1x per long rest Noble Legionnaire can use an additional action to regenerate 2d12+4 HP
  • Storming blade (recharge 6), Noble Legionnaire can add d12+4 lightning damage to successful strike


  • If an opponent within 5" takes damage from another creature, Noble Legionnaire can make an attack that deals d12+4 damage
  • Runic Parry, 3x per long rest if Noble Legionnaire is damaged, it can interrupt the damage and add d4 to its AC, and then resolve whether the Noble Legionnaire is damaged or not

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

