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Type Humanoid/(Mustelid)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity or Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 50ft. (See text);
Language Tachidoki start with three regional languages. Tachidoki are capable of learning any language they want. (Excluding secret languages)

Racial Traits

  • [3 RP] Form Speed (Ex): Tachidoki can just as easily drop to all fours as they can rise from it. While on all fours, they treat their carrying capacity as a quadraped, and increase their base speed by 20ft, usually up to 50ft. A tachidoki can't be holding anything in their hands while they do this. Changing forms is a free action. If they charge a creature and switch from quadraped to bipedal during the charge, they gain a +4 instead of the normal +2 circumstance bonus on their attack, though the decrease to their AC is -3 instead of -2.
  • [1 RP] Fearless (Ex): Tachidoki receive a +2 bonus on saves against fear effects.
  • [1 RP] Low-Light Vision: Tachidoki can twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • [0 RP] Weasel Empathy: Tachidoki receive a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal towards weasels and ferrets.
  • [4 RP] Scent (Ex): Tachidoki have an excellent ability to sniff things out and gain the scent ability.
  • [1 RP] Limited Compression (Ex): Tachidoki can fit into very small spaces, and can move through an area as small as one-half its space without squeezing or one-quarter its space when squeezing.
  • [3 RP] Tenacious Bite: Tachidoki gain a natural bite attack (1d4). This bite can be used to start a grapple via the grab ability.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
