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"Koskotoff is the home of the Dark Elves, who were made by the Lesser Lunar Goddess Servene. The youngest of the elven sister, she poured her heart and soul into her Dark Elves. The High Elves were smart and intelligent, the Wood Elves Cunning and quick, but her elves, the Dark Elves, would be brave and strong-willed. And they were. And quite successful too.   However, her power was weak... although she had made her people strong-willed and true, she hadn't the power to give them magic. Thusly, the Drow were cursed to forever be magickless. This made the Dark Elves envious, as they were often belittled by their Astral counterparts for their lack of spellcasting. And furthermore, they had even been compared to be lesser than Humans, a race of non-God created organisms capable of innate magical casting. But eventually, they were exiled from the land of Elves, citing that their lack of magick and devotion to their god polluted the Elvish Great Woods.   The Drow would venture on and on, harassed and kicked out of every country they visited, simply for being weak. But their will was strong, and they never gave up. And eventually, they would find themselves in The Empire of Koskotoff, the frigid, frozen hell of the north." -Excerpt from The History of the World, volume 4, about the Drow history and their people.
The Drow are a people of suffering and determination. Commonly reffered to a Dark Elves or Umbral Elves, the Drow were a race brutally harassed through history, turning what was once a noble and proud people, into a spiteful and bitter one. Despite this, though, and despite all the trauma they've been through: The Drow still continue on; a testament to their creator's will.
ability score increase: One ability score increase by +2 and another by +1, or three ability scores increase by +1
age: Although drow reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the drowen understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. A drow typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old.
alignment: Despite popular belief, drow are not inherently evil beings. Many are actually rather neutral, if not good in many ways. However, what can be said is that many drow tend to be lawful in their disposition.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, Undercommon, and one other language your DM deems appropriate.
race features:
Magickless. Drow are inherently magickless, as their creator was unable to imbue them with the magic needed to have innate spellcasting, hence why they lack the abilities of Fey Ancestry and Trance. As such, you must work with your DM to determine how your Drow will cast spells from the Wizard, Druid, and Ranger spellcasters.     Think about how your Drow uses magic. Do they use a special gauge on your arm to fuel your magick? Or do you have a pack on your back, which supplies you with your magic influence.
  Piercing Eyes. Accustomed to dark, snowy and cloudy climates, you have developed a stronger Darkvision than other races. You gain 120 ft of Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Frozen Heart. You have resistance against cold damage.   Drow Determination. When you are brought down to 0 hitpoints but not killed outright, you may bring yourself to 1 hitpoint instead. Once you use this trait, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.   Koskotoffi Training. Life in Koskotoff is tough, but it teaches you well. You may choose ONE of the following when creating your character:
  1. You gain proficiency in firearms, and a martial weapon and simple weapon of your choice.
  2. You gain proficiency with vehicles (Land), alongside proficiency with the tinkers tools, and one other set of tool.
  3. You gain proficiency with two skills of your choice.
Appearance. The Drow have dark, ashen skin, ranging from black to dark grey to dark blue in appearance. Their hair is usually shades of white, blonde, or black. Drow differ a bit from their other Elvish counterparts. Whereas the Elves are slim and lithe and dexterous, the Drow, suffering under hardship and strife, and developed stronger, more muscular bodies.   Their most defining feature, however, is their eyes. Drow eyes have black or dark, deep red sclera (the white part of your eye), and their pupils tend to range from glowing white, to glowing gold, to glowing red.

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