6 | Fight |
5 | Move |
4 | Study |
6 | Survive |
4 | Talk |
4 | Tinker |
9 of 9
5 | Boldly |
4 | Carefully |
4 | Cleverly |
5 | Forcefully |
4 | Quietly |
4 | Swiftly |
Neutral Contact - Former Trainer / Manager: William "Big Bill" Knightingale. Trained me how to fight and helped me get into boxing.
Dauntless (Miscreant Talent)
When you Survive Forcefully as part of a contest to resist being threatened or intimi-
dated, you reduce the difficulty of your test by 1, to a minimum of 0.
5 | Brawling |
5 | Intimidate |
Sturdy Sword & Helmet