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A creature affected by the ruin condition threatens to tear apart from the inside out, with an intense weakness gripping the very structure of the creature itself:

  • Damage types the creature was previously immune to, they are now have resistance to

  • Damage types the creature was previously resistant to, they take as normal damage

  • Damage types the creature previously took normal damage from, they are now vulnerable to

  • Damage types the creature was previously vulnerable to, now deal an additional 50% damage (i.e. the creature takes an additional 150% damage)

  • Additional damage dealt by the ruin condition is a maximum of 100% of the initial damage dealt that caused the ruin affect

  • For each 33% of maximum hit point damage taken by a creature due to the ruin effect the creature receives one level of exhaustion

  • Exhaustion and hit points can recovered as normal

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

Generic, Text
