Usage held in 2 hands;
Bulk L;
Activate Interact;
Harvested from ancient Silverwood Trees in Astagua, this toxin destabilizes ones inherent connection to Magic, potentially impacting the usefulness of their spells.
Saving Throw DC20 Will; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 mental damage and stupified 1 (1 round) ; Stage 2 As Stage 1, but 2d4 mental damage (1 round) ; Stage 3 As Stage 2, but stupified 2 (1 round).
Type Refined;
Level 8;
Price 80 gp;
Harvested from ancient Silverwood Trees in Astagua and subsequently refined, this toxin destabilizes ones inherent connection to Magic, potentially impacting the usefulness of their spells.
Saving Throw DC28 Will; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 3d6 mental damage and stupified 1 (1 round) ; Stage 2 As Stage 1, but 4d6 mental damage (1 round) ; Stage 3 As Stage 2, but stupified 2.