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Deadly Boast

Type :
Prerequisites :
Cha 19, Bluff 10 ranks

Description :
Benefit: As a full action, you can describe in great detail how powerful and effective a specific action taken by you or an ally is going to be. You must select a specific character to boast about, and a specific weapon, item, spell, or ability to be used. Attempt a Bluff check against all foes within 60 feet of you, using the same DC you would use if attempting to demoralize them with Intimidate—roll a single check and compare the result to the DC for each target. Each target your check succeeds against takes a –1 penalty to AC and a –2 penalty to saving throws against the action you boasted about until the end of your next turn. Once you have attempted to use this ability against a creature, it is immune to your use of this feat for 24 hours. This is a sense-dependent, language-dependent ability.

Created by




Statblock Type

Starfinder Features
