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Name Maria Perez
Handle Lepidoptera
Role Exec
Role Ability Teamwork
Rank 7
EMP 3 / 8
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 6
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) -
Lip Reading (INT) -
Perception (INT) 14
Tracking (INT) -
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 10
Contortionist (DEX) -
Dance (DEX) -
Endurance (WILL) -
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) -
Stealth (DEX) 14
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) 10
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 -
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) -
Riding (REF) -
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) 11
Animal Handling (INT) -
Bureaucracy (INT) 11
Business (INT) 11
Composition (INT) -
Criminology (INT) -
Cryptography (INT) -
Deduction (INT) -
Education (INT) 12
Gamble (INT) -
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 10
Language: Spanish (INT) 12
Language: English (INT) 12
Library Search (INT) -
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 10
Tactics (INT) -
Wilderness Survival (INT) -
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 10
Evasion (DEX) 14
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 -
Melee Weapon (DEX) 14
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) -
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) -
Autofire (REF) x2 -
Handgun (REF) 14
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 -
Shoulder Arms (REF) -
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) 14
Conversation (EMP) 7
Human Perception (EMP) 7
Interrogation (COOL) -
Persuasion (COOL) 14
Personal Grooming (COOL) -
Streetwise (COOL) -
Trading (COOL) -
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) 11
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Basic Tech (TECH) -
Cybertech (TECH) -
Demolitions (TECH) x2 -
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 -
First Aid (TECH) 7
Forgery (TECH) 8
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) -
Paramedic (TECH) x2 -
Photography/Film (TECH) -
Pick Lock (TECH) -
Pick Pocket (TECH) -
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Weaponstech (TECH) -
Humanity33 / 80
Hitpoints35 / 35
Death Save5
Seriously Wounded Threshold18
Critical Injuries
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
Balisong 1d6 - 2
Modfire Pistol Mode 3d6 8 2
Modfire Smg Mode 2d6 30 1
Modfire Assault Mode 5d6 25 1
Throatsnake 4d6 - 1
Location Type SP AP
Head Light Armorjack 11 0
Body Light Armorjack 11 0
Shield None 0 0
Type SP AP Cost
Left Cybereye Data HL
Cybereye installed 10
Anti-Dazzle User is immune to blindness or other effects caused by dangerous flashes of light, like those of a flashbang. 2
Low Light/Infrared/UV Reduces penalties imposed by darkness and other intangible obscurement, like smoke, fog, etc. to 0. User can distinguish hot meat from cold metal but cannot see through anything that could provide cover. 5
Right Cybereye Data HL
Cybereye installed 8
Anti-Dazzle User is immune to blindness or other effects caused by dangerous flashes of light, like those of a flashbang. 2
Low Light/Infrared/UV Reduces penalties imposed by darkness and other intangible obscurement, like smoke, fog, etc. to 0. User can distinguish hot meat from cold metal but cannot see through anything that could provide cover. 4
Left Arm Data HL
Cyberarm installed 7
Psiberstuff Watch-Man A fully functional Agent with a flip-up screen built into the cyberarm. 3
Right Arm Data HL
Cyberarm installed 7
Internal Cyberware Data HL
Trauma Response Nanomatrix Internal Body Cyberware. Once per day, as an Action, activate to repair your Skinweave or Subdermal Armor to full SP. Requires Skinweave or Subdermal Armor. Each additional installation increases daily uses by 1. 6
Trauma Response Nanomatrix Internal Body Cyberware. Once per day, as an Action, activate to repair your Skinweave or Subdermal Armor to full SP. Requires Skinweave or Subdermal Armor. Each additional installation increases daily uses by 1. 11
Trauma Response Nanomatrix Internal Body Cyberware. Once per day, as an Action, activate to repair your Skinweave or Subdermal Armor to full SP. Requires Skinweave or Subdermal Armor. Each additional installation increases daily uses by 1. 11
Cybersnake Horrifying throat/esophagus-mounted tentacle weapon. A Very Heavy Melee Weapon (4d6, 1 ROF) that can be successfully concealed without a Check 14
External Cyberware Data HL
Upgraded Subdermal Armor User's body and head are armored at SP12. Your SP in any location is determined by your highest source of SP in that location. Additionally, whenever your armor is ablated in a location, all your sources of SP in that location are ablated at the same time. Whenever the user successfully completes a day of natural healing, nanomachines present in the Subdermal Armor repair both the body and head location of the Subdermal Armor for one point of its lost SP. 15
Fashionware Data HL
Exotic Bodysculpt Cosmetic Mothlike Features 14
Chemskin Alters skin color, +2 wardrobe if paired with techhair
Techhair Customizable hair, +2 wardrobe if paired with chemskin
Biomonitor Subdermal implant tracking vitals, ink to agent to allow automatic Trauma Team calls
Heuristic Health Monitor Gives a health score, allows character to check Hit Points
Shift Tacts 2x Color-changing lenses implanted into the eye. Several patterns are also available. Lenses can optionally be temperature-sensitive or reactant to hormone changes in the body. Only one choice of color and pattern can be made, but the user can deactivate the color change at any time desired without an Action.
Borgware Data HL
Artificial Shoulder Mount Allows 2 extra cyberarms 14
Aliases Lepidoptera
Improvement Points 540 / 0
Reputation 1: Anyone who was there at the time knows.
Reputation events Turned the Neon Abyss into the Trauma Crater
Role specific lifepath (Current) Corporation: Lazarus
Department: Mergers and Acquisitions
Good/Bad: Totally evil, will do anything for profit
Corp Scope: International, offices all over the world
Opposition: Rival corps want to headhunt and recruit
Current Boss: Gives a free hand, doesn't wanna know what she does
Fashion Businesswear Outfit (Jacket, Top, Bottom, Shoes)
Bohemian Casual (Jacket, Top, Bottom, Shoes)
Gear Light Armorjack x2 (Sp 11)
Kevlar Suit (Sp7)
Agent (+2 Library Search and Wardrobe/Fashion)
Inflatable Bed + Sleeping Bag
Memory Chip x10
Disposable Phone
Food Bar x5
Radio Communicator x2
Balisong (Light Melee Weapon)
Heavy Pistol
Audio Recorder
Modfire 10X
SecSystem Streetcase
5 Smoke Grenades
Ktech Doberman (Husky Synthskin cover)
Air Pistol
Special Mini-Reaver (Weeping reaver medium sized)
Ammo 85x H. Pistol Ammo 23 Doberman Marking Scent Balls
Cash 2350
Housing Corporate Conapt
Rent 50 EB (Fee for interfering with cameras)
Lifestyle Fresh Food (1500), Trauma Team Silver (Exec Perk)
Notes Downtime: 4/75

Team Members: Gregory (Covert Operative), Victor (Driver)
Loyalty: 10, 7
Stat Generation: Number 3, Number 6
HP: 45/45, 35/35
SP: 11/11, 11/11
Hum: 40/40, 30/30
Bullets: 50, 50
Cultural Origins
South American (Venezuela)
Bubbly, but secretly manipulative
Clothing Style
Never without
Fuzzy Wristbands
Long and groomed
Value Most
Feeling about people
People are tools, use them for your own goals then discard them.
Most valued person
Gregory (First ever team member)
Most valued possession
Exotic Body Modifications
Family Background
Corporate Execs
Childhood Environment
Safe Corp Zone
Family Crisis
Family was made to disappear by a rival corp
Tragic Love Affairs
Lover left even after she sacrificed so much to satisfy them
Life Goals
Rise the corporate ladder and hold all the cards
Gregory (The only team member that she actually values)
Jerry Vertigo (Petrochem exec that made her family vanish)
Copyright © 2020 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A.
Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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Cyberpunk RED

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