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Name Solomon Benuxly
Handle Mountain Man
Role Tech, Solo
Role Ability Maker, Combat Awareness
Rank 7, 4
EMP 3 / 8
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 10
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) -
Lip Reading (INT) -
Perception (INT) 6
Tracking (INT) -
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 14
Contortionist (DEX) -
Dance (DEX) -
Endurance (WILL) -
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) 12
Stealth (DEX) 10
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) 10
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 10
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) 10
Riding (REF) -
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) -
Animal Handling (INT) -
Bureaucracy (INT) -
Business (INT) -
Composition (INT) -
Criminology (INT) -
Cryptography (INT) -
Deduction (INT) -
Education (INT) 6
Gamble (INT) -
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 6
Language:English (INT) 8
Library Search (INT) -
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 6
Tactics (INT) -
Wilderness Survival (INT) -
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 14
Evasion (DEX) 10
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 -
Melee Weapon (DEX) -
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) -
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) -
Autofire (REF) x2 14
Handgun (REF) -
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 14
Shoulder Arms (REF) 14
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) -
Conversation (EMP) 5
Human Perception (EMP) 5
Interrogation (COOL) -
Persuasion (COOL) 6
Personal Grooming (COOL) -
Streetwise (COOL) -
Trading (COOL) -
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) -
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Basic Tech (TECH) 14
Cybertech (TECH) 14
Demolitions (TECH) x2 -
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 -
First Aid (TECH) 10
Forgery (TECH) -
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) -
Paramedic (TECH) x2 -
Photography/Film (TECH) -
Pick Lock (TECH) -
Pick Pocket (TECH) -
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Weaponstech (TECH) 18
Humanity31 / 80
Hitpoints65 / 65
Death Save14
Seriously Wounded Threshold33
Critical Injuries
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
EQ Arasaka Bullpup 5d6 30 1 Smartgun, Excellent Quality Autofire (4), Suppressive Fire
Brawling 4d6 - 2
Overlord Handcannon 3d6 8 1 Poor Quality, Adds +1 to facedowns unless the enemy knows the gun is bad
Techhammer (Slugs) 5d6 16 1
Techhammer (Rockets) 8d6 3 1 Can only fire Smart Rockets, no targeting scope necessary
Pepper Shaker (Upgraded) 2d6 30 1 Excellent Quality, Autofire (3), Can only use autofire, Only fires 6 bullets with autofire, can use non-basic ammo.
EQ Sniper Rifle 5d6 4 1 Smartgun, Excellent Quality
EQ Tsunami Arms Helix - 40 1 Suppressive fire, Autofire (5), 20 bullets per autofire, incapable of single target or aimed shots, body 11+ required
Location Type SP AP
Head Light Armorjack 11 0
Body Light Armorjack 11 0
Shield None 0 0
Type SP AP Cost
Dirk Combat Vest 11 0 500
 The Dirk is Light Armorjack Body Armor with the appearance of Leisurewear Fashion. Two standard-size clips of ammunition can be concealed in the jacket without a Check.
Enhanced Light Armorjack Beanie 12 0 100
 Looks like a beanie. Upgraded by Lace for more protection.
Fire Brand Bunker Gear 15 4 500
 Flak Armor, fire immunity, built in gas mask, 30 minute air tank, takes up head and body
Metalgear (Body) 18 4 5000
Flak (Head) 15 4 500
Left Arm Data HL
Cyberarm installed 10
Tool Hand Fingers contain screwdriver, wrench, small drill, etc. Never be without your Techtool!
Tech Scanner Scanner diagnoses a wide variety of machinery and electronics, assisting the user in repairs or other technical work. User adds +2 to their Basic Tech, Cybertech, Land Vehicle Tech, Sea Vehicle Tech, Air Vehicle Tech, Electronics/Security Tech, and Weaponstech Skills. Requires a Cyberarm and takes 2 Option Slots. Multiple installations of this option provide user no additional benefit. 4
Neural Link Data HL
Interface Plugs x3 Plugs in the wrist or head that allow user to jack into and make use of Smartguns, Cyberdecks, heavy machinery, and drive vehicles with no hands! Multiple installations allow user to be plugged into multiple things at the same time. 11
Chipware Socket (Pain Editor) While installed into a Chipware Socket, a Pain Editor shuts off the user's pain receptors dynamically, allowing them to ignore the effects of the Seriously Wounded Wound State. 11
Chipware Socket (Tactile Boost) While installed into a Chipware Socket, it boosts the user's sense of touch, allowing them to detect motion within 20m/yds of them, as long as their hand is touching a surface. While in use as a motion detector, that hand can't be used to do anything else. 4
Sandevistan Speedware that provides short boosts of highly improved reaction time. When activated as an Action, the user adds +3 to any Initiative Roll they make in the next minute, after which Sandevistan cannot be activated again for an hour. Only a single piece of Speedware can be installed into a user at a time. 6
Internal Cyberware Data HL
Muscle Graft and Bone Lace (x2) User increases their BODY by 2. This increase in BODY changes a Character's HP and Death Save. This cannot increase the user's BODY to 11 or higher. 14
Toxin Binders User adds +2 to their Resist Torture/Drugs Skill. Multiple installations of this option provide user no additional benefit. 2
Contraceptive Implant Protects against unwanted pregnancy. 0
Fashionware Data HL
EMP Threading Popularized by the media sensation UR, these thin silver lines run in circuit-like patterns across the body. Many people believe they act as a "Faraday cage" to protect you from radiation and EMP effects but so far there’s no scientific backing to these claims. But they sure do look cool. Most people wear EMP Threading as a fashion statement. 0
Kill Display Bright and bold letters illuminated from under the user’s skin declare KILLS: followed by a number. The count is self-reported using a linked Agent, and goes up to a maximum of 999. Counts as an installation of Light Tattoo fashionware, making it helpful for reaching the +2 Wardrobe and Style bonus for having three installations0 0
Light Tattoo (x2) Subdermal patches store light and project colored tattoos under the skin. The larger the piece, the more installations of this fashionware you need to complete it. A user with a three or more Light Tattoo installations adds +2 to their Wardrobe & Style Skill. 0
Borgware Data HL
Linear Frame β Enhanced skeleton and support structure. Increases BODY to 14. The increase changes HP, Wound Threshold, and Death Save. 23
Aliases Mountain Man
Improvement Points 25 / 0
Reputation 5: Others beyond your local area recognize your name.
Reputation events Eliminated Skuzz, the Roach Lieutenant Mia's Chosen Tank (with legs) Buster
Role specific lifepath
Fashion Urban Flash Top, Bottom, Jacket, Footwear, and Mirror Shades
Gear Poor-Quality Assault Rifle
EQ Arasaka Bullpup (Smartgun Link, 30 round Mag)
Inflatable bed and sleeping bag
Road flare
Anti-Smog breathing mask
Overlord Handcannon
Ktech Techhammer (Upgraded, +1 attachment slot (Drum Mag))
Intimate Poser Chip (Mia Impulse)
Braindance Viewer
Upgraded (Excellent quality) Pepper Shaker
Pain Inhibitor Chip (-1d6 hl)
Tactile Boost Chip (-1d6 hl)
Jeeves Executive Garment Bag
Land Vehicle Repair Skill chip
Radio Communicator

Smartglove: Subdermal Grip, Modular enthusiast cyberhand (scissor fingers, Laser Fingers x4, mini air supply finger, flashlight finger, Holo-palm)
Smart Lens: Teleoptics, targeting scope

Gorgon Security Van

Ammo 89 Assault Rifle Ammo 582 Small Game Ammo (SMG) (-2d6 minimum 1d6 single shot, -1 autofire minumum 3) 43 Slugs 12 Smart Rockets 100 Basic Sniper Ammo 200 Tsunami Helix Basic Ammo
Cash 9210
Housing Luxury Conapt (Roommates: Lupin) (Landlord: Akashi)
Rent 1000
Lifestyle Fresh Food (1500)
Notes Downtime: 6/65
Maker Skill investments:
Fabrication: 7
Upgrade: 6
Field Expertise: 1
Kill Count: 59
Combat Awareness points: 4

Humanity: 31/44
Addicted to timewarp: -2 initiative when not on timewarp
Cultural Origins
North American (Night City Native)
Arrogant, Intense, Macho
Clothing Style
Urban Flash
Never without
A gun
Man Bun, Braided Beard
Value Most
Feeling about people
I stay neutral
Most valued person
My father
Most valued possession
1 shell casing from a bullet that saved my life
Family Background
Childhood Environment
The Street
Family Crisis
I got drafted, and only came home after the bomb went off
Tragic Love Affairs
Life Goals
Live in the moment, plan for the future
Former Militech Mercenary Ally
Copyright © 2020 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A.
Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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Cyberpunk RED

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