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Adrenaline Rush (trick)

There's a certain art in how to stay frosty under fire and make the most of that fight-or-flight reflex, in the middle of combat.

Activation: Action (Combat Mastery (Wil) OR Discipline dd) check, (Concentration and +1 Strain on further turns to maintain), Quiet, Augment, Mind-affecting Dependent
Until the end of this character's next Turn, they receive +d to all Brawn and Agility checks. If Concentration is broken, these benefits are immediately lost.

Before making an Adrenaline Rush check, choose any number of additional effects from the table below:

HasteThe character can perform a second Maneouver without spending any Strain.
They are still limited to only 2 Maneouvers per Turn.
Martial TechniqueThe character may add Damage equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline or Coordination to Brawl or Melee checks, and their Critical Rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 3, if it is not already lower.+d
SwiftThe character ignores the effects of Difficult Terrain and Upgrades checks twice to resist or break free from the Immobilised condition.+d

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
