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Name Jax Jezek
Role Mechtech
Role Ability Medicine
Rank 5
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 10
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) -
Lip Reading (INT) -
Perception (INT) 8
Tracking (INT) -
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 10
Contortionist (DEX) -
Dance (DEX) -
Endurance (WILL) -
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) 12
Stealth (DEX) 10
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) -
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 -
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) -
Riding (REF) -
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) -
Animal Handling (INT) -
Bureaucracy (INT) -
Business (INT) -
Composition (INT) -
Criminology (INT) -
Cryptography (INT) -
Deduction (INT) 12
Education (INT) 12
Gamble (INT) -
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 8
Language: English (INT) 10
Library Search (INT) 8
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 8
Tactics (INT) -
Wilderness Survival (INT) -
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 12
Evasion (DEX) 14
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 13
Melee Weapon (DEX) -
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) -
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) -
Autofire (REF) x2 -
Handgun (REF) -
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 -
Shoulder Arms (REF) -
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) -
Conversation (EMP) 14
Human Perception (EMP) 14
Interrogation (COOL) -
Persuasion (COOL) 4
Personal Grooming (COOL) -
Streetwise (COOL) -
Trading (COOL) -
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) -
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Basic Tech (TECH) 12
Cybertech (TECH) 14
Demolitions (TECH) x2 -
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 -
First Aid (TECH) 10
Forgery (TECH) -
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) -
Paramedic (TECH) x2 13
Photography/Film (TECH) -
Pick Lock (TECH) -
Pick Pocket (TECH) -
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Weaponstech (TECH) -
Humanity51 / 80
Hitpoints50 / 50
Death Save7
Seriously Wounded Threshold25
Critical Injuries
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
Medium Pistol 2d6 62 2 Full Mag + 50
Martial Arts 3d6 2 Aikido
Brawling 3d6 2
Location Type SP AP
Head Light Armorjack 11 0
Body Light Armorjack 11 0
Shield Bulletproof Shield 10 HP 0
Type SP AP Cost
Neural Link Data HL
Reflex Co-Processor Can dodge bullets even without 8 REF 19
Fashionware Data HL
Biomonitor 100eb. Displays vitals
Standard Bodysculpt 500eb (remaining fashion creds + eb). Gender affirmation
Improvement Points 30 / 330
Reputation 1: Anyone who was there at the time knows.
Reputation events Mission 3: Cult of the Silenced Lamb 5 Two teams defended a building against an onslaught of cultists
Role specific lifepath Psychiatrist
Extreme Therapy Kits: 4
Fashion Leisurewear Bottoms 100eb
Leisurewear Top 20eb
Leisurewear Footwear 50eb
Leisurewear Hat 50eb
Leisurewear Shades 50eb
Gear Radiation Suit x 1 (Chase)
Antismog Mask
Bulletproof Shield
Duct Tape
Food Stick x2
Light Armorjack Body
Light Armorjack Head
Masetto Holo-Wear
Medium Pistol
Medtech Scanner
Medtech Bag
Memory Chip x2
Personal CarePak
Pharmaceutical Materials x 4
Road Flare x2
Rope (60m/yds)
Tech Bag
Upgraded Smartglasses w/ Antidazzlers and UV/Infrared/Low Light
Ammo 13 x Smoke Grenade 6 x AP Grenade 6 x Flashbang 2 x Rapidetox 3 x Antibiotic 4 x Stim 4 x Speedheal
Cash 2570 eb
Housing Shared Studio Apartment / Pacifica Playground
Rent 750 eb + 300eb Generic PrePak
Lifestyle Generic Prepak - New Westbrook - 300eb
Notes Med Tech Allocation: Rank 5
>Surgery skill: +2
>Medical Tech Skill: +4
Surgery: 1
Pharma: 3
>Antibiotic - Target who has already started the natural healing process heals an
extra 2 Hit Points every day for a week. A person can only benefit from one use of Antibiotic at a time.
>Rapidetox - Target who is affected by a drug, poison, or intoxicant is immediately
purged of the effects of that substance.
>Stim - Target can ignore all penalties from being in the Seriously Wounded Wound
State for an hour. A person can only benefit from one use of Stim per day
Cryosys: 1
+ 1 Cryopump - A Cryopump is a briefcase-sized tool containing a body bag hooked up to a powerful pump. Once willing/unconscious targets have been placed into the bag and hooked up to the pump as an Action, the pump forces a hyper-cooled chemical fluid into the bag, draining one of the Cryopump's charges per target put in stasis (one per person, if the Cryopump can accept multiple people). While in stasis, targets are unconscious and no longer roll any Death Saves for up to a week, as long as they remain inside the bag and the bag has at least 1 HP. A Character in a cryopump bag is considered to be behind a piece of cover that has 15 HP. The bag's transparent top and gloves molded into the lining allow the target to undergo surgery and be stabilized while in stasis, which is much less dangerous to the patient. A standard Cryopump has only 1
charge and can only hold a single roughly human-sized target. Refueling a Cryopump costs 50eb (Costly) per charge. A Character who is not a Medtech cannot operate a Cryopump.
Cultural Origins
North American
Tries to be logical and professional, but is a bit of a goofball and overly personal, attaches easily.
Clothing Style
Efficient and mostly monochrome dark blue with a field doctor's white coat. Sealed pockets and comfortable, hardy clothing ready for emergency situationss
Never without
An ever expanding array of first aid supplies for as many situations as she can think of, headphones
Sides buzzed, shoulder length hear with enough product in it to keep it out of my face
Value Most
Resources, backup supplies
Feeling about people
Kind people give me hope, but I'm wary of most people
Most valued person
My partner
Most valued possession
Backpack, never leave home without it
Family Background
Working class, construction and low level healthcare are common jobs in the family, but everyone chipped in to help me through school, a medtech in the family can be very useful
Childhood Environment
Decaying neighborhood, might be nice if people took the time to clean it.
Family Crisis
Brother took a liking to drugs and arson.
Tragic Love Affairs
The love was there, we were just too different.
Life Goals
Make the world a better place for the common folk. Whether that's by easing the suffering of the people in my neighborhood, or helping a team of Edgerunners disrupt and take out corpo scum
Fo: Old classmate - We decided on different specialties. He works in the local hospital. I'm his gal in the field, he's my guy in the system. We trade favors often for a mutually beneficial relationship
Jenson: Ex-friend - Relied on one another from childhood to early 20s. Friendship grew strained when they got mixed up with the wrong sort of people. Things became toxic as his reputation began to outweigh their friendship. I used med training as an excuse to cut contact 9 years ago, and I hope I never seen him again.
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Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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