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Locket of Horrors

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

When you attune to a locket of horrors, you must write in a journal every evening for at least an hour. If you fail to do so you become unattuned to the locket at sunrise, and you may not attune to the item again for 24 hours. If you willing unattune to the locket, you may may not attune to the item again for 24 hours. When writing in your journal for this purpose, you are not always aware of what you are writing until you have completed writing for the evening.   While you wear the locket, you have advantage on Wisdom saving throws. If you already have advantage on Wisdom saving throws from another source, when you make a Wisdom saving throw, you may roll an additional 1d6 1d6 and add the result to your saving throw.    As an action, you may open your locket, causing the words from your journal to spill out in a 30-foot line in front of you. Creatures caught in the line must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or suffer 27 (6d8) 6d8 psychic damage and become restrained by the inky-words until the end of your next turn. Creatures who succeed on the saving throw suffer half as much damage, and are not restrained.   Once you have opened the locket, it remains open until the following sunrise, at which time it closes again.  

Cost: 4000gp
Weight: 1lb

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Statblock Type

