Auto-health(1/day). When the jet trooper starts its turn below 50% hp, it regains 12 2d6+5 hit points.
Drops 1 Auto-Health.
Spear Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 6 1d6+3 Slashing damage.
Grenade toss. The jet trooper throws one of the following grenades up to 20 feet(40 ft. when flying).
Each creature in a 10-foot radius must make a DC 13 dex save to avoid damage.
Normal Grenade. deals 11 2d6+4 force damage.
D20 Grenade. Deals 8 1d8+4 force damage. Roll 1 effect from the Mana Steel Wild Magic.