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Homebrew, World of Warcraft

Arakkoa (Outcast)

Born from the treachery of their kin, these Arakkoa have been transformed into a hunched, wingless version of their former selves. These Arakkoa tend to stay within the shadows and have been blessed by their raven god Anzu, giving them a strong affinity to shadow magic.
ability score increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
age: Outcast Arakkoas reach adulthood at age 18 and live up to 150 years.
alignment: Neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Arakkoa.
parent race: Arakkoa
race features:
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.   Blessing of Anzu. You have advantage for all checks while fully consumed in darkness.   Natural Fluency. You learn languages very quickly through just observation. After a minute of conversation, you permanently learn the language that is being spoken to you.     Natural Companionship. You can speak to Owls and Ravens. You can form a bond with one of small size, taming it as a companion, once.
Preceding the creation of the arakkoa, Sethe and Rukhmar clashed above the Spires. Rukhmar, forewarned of Sethe's attack by Anzu, managed to cast the serpent down from the skies—but it was Anzu who stepped in to deliver the killing blow. With his last breath, the defeated Sethe cursed his own flesh and blood to rot and corrupt all that it touched. As Anzu devoured him in an attempt to contain the curse, a trickle of blood escaped, creating the Sethekk Hollow where it touched the ground. The curse crippled Anzu, making him flightless and pained by dark visions.   Anzu could not bear to present himself to Rukhmar, for if she had not seen him worthy before then surely she would now be disgusted by the aberration he had become. He disappeared into the forest deeps, and he ignored Rukhmar whenever she called for Anzu to show himself. Though Sethe's curse weakened Anzu, it also gave him new power: the power of the Void that Sethe had once commanded. As Anzu grew more familiar with his abilities, he shrouded himself in a realm of shadow to hide from Rukhmar forever.   Born from the treachery of their kin, these Arakkoa have been transformed into a hunched, wingless version of their former selves by the Blood of Sethe in the Sethekk Hollow. These Arakkoa tend to stay within the shadows and have been blessed by their raven god Anzu, giving them a strong affinity to shadow magic.

Statblock Type

