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Kinyo Kimil

Medium undead,
Armor Class: AC 21 (Natural Armour + Dexterity + Unnatural Deflection)
Hit Points: 260 (30d8 + 90 +30*)
Speed: 40 ft


12 +1


16 +3


16 +3


20 +5


22 +6


21 +5

Saving Throws: Constitution +10, Wisdom +13, Intelligence +12
  • Religion +12
  • Arcana +12
  • Insight +13
  • Perception +13
  • Persuasion +13
Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Cold, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Poison, Non-magical piercing bludgeoning and slashing
Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralysed, poisoned
  • Truesight 120"
Languages: Alin, Carkade, Common, Draconic, Primordial
Proficiency Bonus: +7

Elderdays Caster; 50 spells known:
Cs (7)
L1 (5)
L2 (4)
L3 (4)
L4 (4)
L5 (4)
L6 (3)
L7 (3)
L8 (2)
L9 (2)
L10 (1)
L11 (1)
L12 (1)
+2 spell attack roll while possessing Talisman of Ultimate Evil

Advantage on savings throws against turning   Feat (Mobile):

  • Speed increased by 10 feet.
  • When Dash action is used, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.
  • When Melee attack is made against a creature, Kimil don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether he hits or not.
  Rejuvenation – Regains a new body with d10 days of being destroyed next to his phylactery   Legendary Save (can choose to save 3x failed saves between long rests)


  • Paralysing Touch, magic spell attack, +13 to hit, range 10”, 4d6 cold damage and DC 21 constitution savings throw or target is paralysed for 1 minute – can save at the end of each turn to remove effect
  • When using melee attack, no AOO provoked

Bonus Actions

  • Rotted Aura; at the end of Kimil's turn if Kimil wishes it, all non-undead within 10" take 6d+7 necrotic damage and all non-undead take 7 necrotic damage (no savings throw)


  • Titanis Deflection; 3x between long rests add d4+2 AC unnatural deflection bonus

Legendary Actions

  • 1 action; Cast a cantrip
  • 2 actions; Paralysing Touch
  • 2 actions; Frightening Gaze, target within 20” must save Wisdom DC 21 or be frightened for 1 minute– can save at the end of each turn to remove effect
  • 3 actions; Disrupt Life, all creatures within 30” take 6d6 necrotic damage on a failed DC18 constitution savings throw or half on a successful save

Usual Tactics

Known Magic Items:

  • Shadowfel Mantle*
  • Shadowfel Shard
  • Ammutseba's Codex*
  • Sphere of Annihilation
  • Ring of Necrotic Command*
  • Talisman of Ultimate Evil
  • Horns of Warning
  • Ammutseba's Clay Mask* (artefact)
  • Ampato's Wrappings* (artefact)

Created by

Holocene Witches.

Statblock Type

