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Qix Zand

10 Level (0/85000 XP for level-up) Anthropologist Background Lizard Race / Species / Heritage True Neutral Alignment
Wizard (Runecrafter)
Level 10
Hit Dice: 10/10
1d6+2 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
4 / 4
Runic Empowerment
Spellcasting ...
+8 Attack mod
INT Ability
+4 Abi Mod
16 Save DC
+8 Expertise Bonus
+4 Proficiency Bonus
+1 Strength
+0 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
+8 Intelligence
+7 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+0 Acrobatics DEX
+3 Animal Handling WIS
+4 Arcana INT
+1 Athletics STR
+7 Deception CHA
+8 History INT
+7 Insight WIS
+3 Intimidation CHA
+8 Investigation INT
+3 Medicine WIS
+4 Nature INT
+3 Perception WIS
+3 Performance CHA
+7 Persuasion CHA
+8 Religion INT
+0 Sleight of Hand DEX
+0 Stealth DEX
+3 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type

Spell Book

Tough Feat Acquired
Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.

Cultural Chameleon
Before becoming an adventurer, you spent much of your adult life away from your homeland, living among people different from your kin. You came to understand these foreign cultures and the ways of their people, who eventually treated you as one of their own. One culture had more of an influence on you than any other, shaping your beliefs and customs. Choose a race whose culture you've adopted.

Adept Linguist
You can communicate with humanoids who don't speak any language you know. You must observe the humanoids interacting with one another for at least 1 day, after which you learn a handful of important words, expressions, and gestures – enough to communicate on a rudimentary level.

Features & Traits
- A quarterstaff
  • Arcane Focus
  • Explorers Pack
  • Spellbook
  • A leather-bound diary
  • A bottle of ink
  • An ink pen
  • A set of traveler's clothes
  • One trinket of special significance

  • Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 10, Platinum: 0 Money
    Spells in Spellbook: 24
    Prepared Spells: 18

  • Wrathful Smite
  • Shield of Faith
  • Chill Touch
  • Fire Bolt
  • Friends

  • 1st Level
  • Beast Bond
  • Earth Tremor
  • Detect Magic
  • Charm Person
  • Id Insinuation
  • Magic Missile

  • 2nd Level
  • Dust Devil
  • Arcane Lock
  • Shadow Blade

  • 3rd Level
  • Wall of Sand
  • Dispel Magic
  • Counter Spell

  • 4th Level
  • Confusion
  • Gravity Sinkhole
  • Polymorph
  • Summon Greater Demon

  • 5th Level
  • Summon Draconic Spirit
  • Modify Memory
  • Spellcasting
  • Common
  • Lizardfolk
  • Giant
  • Draconic

  • Armor and Tools
  • None

  • Weapons
  • Daggers
  • Darts
  • Slings
  • Quarterstaffs
  • Light crossbows

  • Languages & Proficiencies

    ™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
    To print this sheet: Expand the spell book (if you have any entries there), then click "Print Sheet" at the top, select "Print to PDF" and format A3. Then print the resulting PDF to whichever format you need with "fit to page" selected.

    The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

    The statblocks of your class features

    Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

    Statblocks for race/species of the character.

    Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

    Statblocks for your spells.

    Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

    Created by


    Statblock Type

    Character Sheet (latest)
